
随着生活水平的提高, 不管是别墅, 公寓, 旅馆, 样板房, KTV, 展厅, 客厅, 电影院, 客厅, 卧室, 书房, 机场, 咖啡馆, 茶馆, 吧台, 餐饮场所和娱乐场所, 等等. 电壁炉的特点是什么?

1. 作为一种融合了现代光学原理的新型电加热设备, 具有优良的节约自然资源和保护环境的功能, 并在保留原始古典风格的前提下提供更便捷的加热性能.
2. 电壁炉系列产品基于欧洲古典壁炉生产技术和现代声学和光学原理, 大大改善了传统壁炉的设计, and creates green environmental protection and more fierce real wood burning without losing elegance effect.

3. 作为家用电热器具, the electric fireplace has the characteristics of clean, hygienic, 安全的, reliable, loading and unloading, convenient and high combustion utilization. 与燃木和燃气壁炉相比, electric fireplaces will not have difficult to prevent soot, strange smells and flames. The noise produced during burning; 电壁炉不仅可以节省取暖费用, 而且带来优雅的观赏效果. Enjoy the warmth and comfort brought by electric fireplaces safely and conveniently. 轻触开关, and the magical flame effect will be displayed instantly. Convenient Installation, gorgeous flames will bring a beautiful mood to your home decoration. Embedded and free-standing electric fireplaces will bring warmth and comfort to the room.
4. No matter how the four seasons change, electric fireplaces will always bring you the same passion as "fire", drive away the cold in winter, install electric fireplaces, no complicated preparations are required, just plug the fireplace into the home power supply and the surface of the electric fireplace The high temperature is very safe for children and the elderly. The electric fireplace is placed in the room of children and the elderly for heating, and can be used with confidence under the protection of the thermostat.

发表时间: 2020-08-01