

对于现代和万物有灵的风格, 明亮的白色几何壁炉是任何房间的迷人焦点. 大尺寸和简洁的线条使其成为一种设计特色,您可以将其余的装饰放在周围. 这种类型的壁炉在有大面积的家中效果最好, 开放式平面图, 提供创造两个独立空间的错觉. 这不是一个时髦的设计, 虽然极简主义现在很时髦. 相当, 当用于两种配色方案时,它创造了一种永恒的美感,, 很像鲜花和满满的书架, 永远不会过时,以其受欢迎的温暖和光明向我们招手的枢纽.

“客厅壁炉不仅仅是一件家具或建筑决策,' 缪斯莫妮克·托尔加德, Tollgard创始人. '火是你添加到你的家和你的生活的仪式. 壁炉的温暖和宏伟显着改变了房间的气氛,即使没有登录或明亮地燃烧.

当谈到客厅的想法, 壁炉不仅成为另一个设计元素,而且成为主要焦点, 因此,为您的空间找到完美的补充可以将房间从一个功能提升到一个充满氛围和欢乐的房间. And ethanol fires are becoming increasingly popular and are perfect for a contemporary scheme.

Ethanol Fireplaces are low-maintenance and are renowned for generating good amounts of heat. They also don't require a chimney meaning 'they can be installed virtually anywhere so long as a balanced flue can be fitted,' notes Vicky Naylor from ACR. 'Art Fireplace Team makes them easy to be operated and you can have remote control or smart models that allow you to set timers and flame heights from your remote controller or smartphone or tablet.'

发表时间: 2022-05-17