
Ready to make your home feel like a retreat-Art-fire

壁炉可以让任何家感觉像一个舒适的小屋, 但如果你住在公寓里, 公寓, 或者你没有烟道, 你可能认为拥有一个完全遥不可及. 但事实是,您可以在任何地方安全地设置壁炉. 关键是选择合适的燃料来源, 最好的选择之一是生物乙醇. 可以在室内设置生物乙醇壁炉, 即使在一个小公寓里. 或者, 如果你想要一个户外娱乐的选择, 你可以投资一个清洁燃烧的户外坑.

化学上, 生物乙醇和乙醇是一样的, 但不同之处在于它们的生产方式. Bioethanol is a type of ethanol produced from crops such as corn or sugarcane. That means bioethanol is a more eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based fuels. Bioethanol is also clean-burning; it doesn’t produce smoke or soot, and has minimal odor, making it a good option for an indoor fireplace.

Because of its versatility, you can find bioethanol fireplaces in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are options that are about the size of a large Bluetooth speaker, meaning you can set them up on your coffee table. 或者, you can invest in a larger outdoor option if you regularly entertain. Since they burn cleanly, you don’t have to worry about a messy clean-up the way you might a wood fire pit. If you’re ready to make your home feel like a retreat, we’ve picked out some of the best bioethanol fireplaces to buy right now.

无孔水汽消防AFW50 无孔乙醇刻录机AF80 生物燃料的燃烧器插入AF100;


发表时间: 2022-02-23