
  • 什麼是水蒸氣壁爐?

    Advantages of Art Water stream Fires. A water vapor fireplace is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. This is a new technology of artificial fires that only use water and therefore are totally safe, do not generate carbon monoxide and are a green alternative to conventional wood burning fireplaces.Of course, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. But on the positive side you can use it all summer long! These artificial fires use an ultrasonic mist maker to generate cool mist. The mist maker module consists of a ceramic disk vibrating at ultrasonic frequencies. These vibrations create water droplets that reflect the light produced by the LEDs. As…
  • 如何選擇電子壁爐?

    There are several things you need to consider before choosing a fireplace, but the ultimate factor is your personal style. If you think there is any chance that you may want to move the structure to another room, choose a classic model that goes with a variety of decor schemes. Whether you are building your dream home or renovating your current house, you can change up the entire style of your home by upgrading the fireplace. Wood-burning fireplaces may be more common, but electric fireplaces are gaining popularity. If you want a fireplace that is stylish, convenient and cost-efficient, a gas fireplace is the way to go. You will gain the benefits discussed above when you choose an electric fireplace.…
  • 乙醇電壁爐的好處

    When it comes to choosing the right fireplace for your home, you have the option of selecting a wood-burning or a gas fireplace.While wood-burning fireplaces may be your first choice because they are so common,But there are also many benefits to choosing an Ethanol fireplace instead. Fireplaces have been popular in homes for centuries, 並且有充分的理由. 他們提供溫暖, 可以使任何房間更具吸引力, 並為任何場合提供絕佳的氛圍. 最近的創新已朝著使用更清潔的能源(例如天然氣和電力)產生熱量的方向發展, 但是電壁爐無法模仿傳統壁爐的吸引人的品質. Now everyone has the option of benefiting from using electric ethanol fireplaces while also…
  • 購買酒精壁爐, 這些冷知識你一定要懂!

    The alcohol fireplace is a kind of ventless fireplace, which uses biomass ethanol alcohol as a fuel source. You can use many types of such appliances indoors and outdoors. Since they do not require chimneys or gas pipes, these convenient devices can be moved to any place you want. Using an alcohol fireplace indoors or outdoors is as easy as lighting a match. Alcohol fireplace appliances are generally quite safe, but it is also important to use fireplaces and store fuel as directed. Basic knowledge of alcohol fuel Alcohol fuel usually burns for about two and a half hours to three hours. The cost of each can is only a few yuan to a dozen yuan. Some fuel mixtures contain…
  • 3D 水蒸汽壁爐的好處

    The fireplace core is the luminous part of a modern fireplace insert. 在日常生活中, 我們所說的壁爐芯通常是指電動 3d 壁爐芯. 然而, 壁爐芯按發光加熱原理可分為電壁爐芯和真火壁爐芯. 在家裡, 壁爐芯可以調節房間的氣氛, 而且還可以用來取暖. 是一件很溫暖的事情, 但是壁爐芯的選擇也很重要. 今天就和我們一起認識一下3d壁爐芯! 3d電壁爐是根據歐洲古典壁爐生產技術和現代聲光原理, which greatly improves the…
  • 真火壁爐的材質有哪些? What's the difference?

    A real fire fireplace is a heating device made of wood-burning materials. When installing, it is necessary to install the supporting chimney components, so the basic requirement for the building is that the chimney can be installed. At present, real fire fireplaces are mainly installed in independent buildings such as villas, townhouses, homestays, and self-built houses. Real fire fireplaces are divided into embedded fireplaces and free-standing real fire fireplaces. Real fire fireplaces mainly have three materials, namely steel plate fireplaces, cast iron fireplaces, and steel plate + soapstone fireplaces. Embedded fireplaces are generally divided into two forms: pure steel plate material and furnace steel plate material + furnace door cast iron material. Free-standing stoves are generally made of pure cast…
  • 別墅壁爐的設計與購買注意事項

    通常, 在別墅或聯排別墅中,甚至在一些面積較大的房屋中, 人們想在客廳里安裝壁爐. 在早些時候, 壁爐用來加熱, 但是現在大多數家庭都將其視為藝術品, 起到漂亮的裝飾作用. 因此設計尤為重要. 今天我們將向您介紹如何設計別墅壁爐以及購買壁爐的注意事項. 現在市場上有很多壁爐, 通常我們會根據房屋的裝修風格選擇壁爐. 雖然每個人都知道這個道理, 什麼樣的壁爐與房屋的什麼樣的裝飾風格相對應,每個人仍然感到困惑. 下一個,…
  • 美式壁爐有哪些類型?

    如果壁爐安裝不正確, 散熱性能將大大降低. 如果房間很大, 輔助設備也可以用於散熱. 大多數現代壁爐使用電能作為主要能源, 所以安裝需要注意用電安全. 壁爐消耗很多功率, 如果安裝正確, 它可以有效地節省能源. 一. 壁爐安裝注意事項 1. 壁爐安裝在活動最多的房間中,以實現最大的熱效率. 如果室內地板高度高, 使用風扇可以將熱量緩慢散佈到活動區域. 2. 為了匹配全自動……
  • Does the fireside got to be maintained and maintained within the home if it's not used for an extended time

    如果長時間不使用壁爐,是否需要在房屋內進行維護和保養? 解決方案是. 特別是在春季和夏季, 這是保持壁爐良好的季節, 編輯可以告訴您如何保養和維護家裡的壁爐. 有 3 各種壁爐: 燃木壁爐, 燃氣壁爐, 和電壁爐. wood burning fire. Wood-burning fire is that the most ancient fireplace and its price is comparatively cheaper, 由於主要燃燒材料而對天然木材進行虐待. 然而, 燃木壁爐的缺點是難以輕量化. 此外, 木材的需求也很高, 半永久乾燥
  • 使用電子壁爐有什麼好處

    如今, 單戶單戶建築很常見, 這種房子一般很大, 所以我們普通的加熱方法很難覆蓋整個區域. 所以, 他們一般用來加熱什麼? 我不知道您是否聽說過所謂的電子壁爐. 我相信許多人不了解或不了解電子壁爐的好處. 下一個, 我會告訴你什麼是電子壁爐? 使用電壁爐有什麼好處? 希望對大家有幫助. 什麼是電壁爐?壁爐的起源可以追溯到人類第一次進入洞穴並使用壁爐的時間。 "火塘" 用於照明, 加熱,…