
藝術壁爐插件是最佳和最簡單的解決方案,無論您想要帶外殼的插件作為整個解決方案. 具有不同的長度, 同外殼嘅變化壁爐可以由選定嘅側面睇到. As our ethanol fireplaces have clean combustion – no chimney or flue required – the installation costs are low. 你可以輕鬆享受壁爐嘅真正火焰同温暖.

Ethanol tabletop fireplaces require next to no setup, 除了可能安裝一些玻璃安全面板. 只要你有乙醇燃料, 你應該能夠開箱即用嘅桌面壁爐. 你所要做嘅就係向油箱添加燃料, 拿起打火機, and get set to enjoy!

Because of their compact size, there is a huge range when it comes to the size, style, design, and even color of your tabletop ethanol fireplace. Long, narrow cylinders are an elegant choice to set down in the center of your dining table, while boxy, glass-enclosed tabletop fireplaces look great on a coffee table or kitchen island. Other style choices include circular tabletop fireplaces, corner units, or tabletop fireplace inserts that are open on all four sides.

You can even tuck some types of tabletop fireplaces into existing fireplaces or alcoves –zero clearance tabletop fireplace models require no flues, vents, chimneys, or gas lines, and safely produce nominal amounts of water and carbon emissions.

If you want to create a more dramatic impact, look for tabletop fireplaces that come in the same design, but different sizes. Arranging a few small fireplaces next to one another creates a stunning look, particularly in an outdoor setting.

About Art Fireplace Technology --

因為 2007 藝術壁爐一直喺創造獨特嘅, 環保, ethanol fireplaces. Art Fireplace Team designers and engineers have continued to set the highest standards of bio ethanol burning fireplaces in the industry with custom designs and record breaking innovations. 藝術壁爐喺房屋建築商中廣受歡迎, 酒店/度假村同設計師.

發佈時間: 2023-01-05