
如今,似乎越來越多的電器正在走向桎梏智能桎梏. 由電視到冰箱, 電器同設備具有越嚟越多嘅功能同技術。 如果您想成為今年最熱門的室內設計趨勢之一嘅一部分, 然後你需要看看電壁爐. 市場上嘅壁爐種類繁多, 因此,您可以根據環境需求選擇自己喜歡的壁爐. 壁爐可分為兩類. 使用火焰效應和熱源的電壁爐和水的電蒸氣壁爐顯示燃燒效果.

水蒸氣壁爐係一種人造電壁爐,它使用細水霧同LED嚟創造逼真嘅火焰錯覺. 呢啲人造火災使用超聲波噴霧器產生冷霧. 造霧器糢塊由一個以超聲波頻率振動嘅陶瓷盘組成. 呢啲振動會產生水滴,反射LED產生嘅光. 結果, 佢哋創造咗一個令人難以置信嘅逼真嘅人造火焰幻覺. 係一種人工火災嘅新技術,僅使用水,因此係完全安全嘅。, 唔產生一氧化碳,係傳統燃木壁爐嘅綠色替代品。 答案係肯定嘅, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. 但從積極嘅一面來看,你可以成個夏天使用它。! Water mist fireplaces can also be used as a humidifier to keep the space suitable for skin and breath.And with multipled functions,如多種顏色,音樂播放器,彩色音樂混合功能等.

An electric fireplace is an electrical appliance that imitates a real fireplace fire using flames effects and a heat source. An electric fireplace runs on electricity only and can be found in many forms including freestanding, wall mounted and built-in. We’ve explained what electric fireplaces are in more detail below, including discussing what the different forms of electric fireplace are, and showing what our own electric fireplace looks like. What Is An Electric Fireplace? Electric fireplaces are a type of fireplace. Fireplaces burn fuel in order to produce heat as well as providing the experience and enjoyment of having a fire in your home. Electric fireplaces run on electricity and can’t operate without this source of power. In order to use an electric fireplace they typically need plugging into a nearby electrical outlet and they can be used straight out of the box. Fun Facts about Water Vapor Fireplaces. 水蒸氣壁爐是傳統木製或燃氣壁爐的最佳替代品之一,原因如下::

1.水蒸氣壁爐 has the most realistic flame imitation out of all other alternative fireplace types.

2.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't produce any harmful emissions keeping your air clean.

3.這 "火焰" 嘅水蒸氣壁爐觸感涼爽,對孩子來說好安全, 寵物, 並安裝喺擠逼嘅商業空間中.

4.Water Vapor Fireplace has a huge number of installation options because it doesn't need venting or clearances and the 3D flame can be open on from sides.

5.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate. 它喺自來水上運行,LED燈消耗好少嘅電力. 水蒸氣壁爐仲有好多其他好處,例如其低能耗和環保性,但底線係: 水蒸氣壁爐具有令人眼花繚亂的火焰真實感,可與氣體相媲美, 具有電氣嘅安全性同簡單性.

Now Everyone has the option of benefiting from using electric ethanol fireplaces while also enjoying many of the best qualities of traditional fires. No dangerous fumes Electric ethanol fires eliminate the need for using gas or wood to generate a flame and heat a room. 這減少了破壞環境的排放,並可能使您的家人或客戶處於危險之中. Low maintenance Electric fireplaces do not need to be cleaned as extensively or frequently as gas or wood-burning fireplaces. 只需用布擦拭外殼即可清除灰塵,您的電壁爐就乾淨了. Reduce energy costs Home heating systems always drive up energy costs in cold weather. 電乙醇壁爐可以添加到任何房間,並提供足夠的熱量,同時使用更少的電力.

Many design options Ethanol fireplaces are available in several attractive designs. 對於任何應用,都有一個完美嘅模型,無論你是否想要喺屋企中嘅牆壁上添加複雜嘅内容, 或獨立模型,您可以根據需要重新定位. Add appeal to any home or business Art electric fireplaces offer attractive designs and an improved flame appearance than previous designs allowed. 意味住你可以增強您選擇展示它們的任何房間的優雅和氛圍。.

Flame Adjustable Ethanol Fires

發佈時間: 2023-02-06