
  • 乜嘢係水蒸氣壁爐?

    藝術水流火災嘅優勢. 水蒸氣壁爐係一種人造電壁爐,它使用細水霧同LED嚟創造逼真嘅火焰錯覺. 係一種人工火災嘅新技術,僅使用水,因此係完全安全嘅。, 唔產生一氧化碳,係傳統燃木壁爐嘅綠色替代品。 答案係肯定嘅, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. 但從積極嘅一面來看,你可以成個夏天使用它。! 呢啲人造火災使用超聲波噴霧器產生冷霧. 造霧器糢塊由一個以超聲波頻率振動嘅陶瓷盘組成. 呢啲振動會產生水滴,反射LED產生嘅光. As…
  • 如何選擇電子壁爐?

    There are several things you need to consider before choosing a fireplace, but the ultimate factor is your personal style. If you think there is any chance that you may want to move the structure to another room, choose a classic model that goes with a variety of decor schemes. 無論你係喺建造夢想中嘅房屋還是翻新你而家嘅屋, 你可以透過升級壁爐嚟改變成個房屋嘅風格. 燃木壁爐可能更常見, 但電壁爐越嚟越受歡迎. 如果你想要一個時尚嘅壁爐, 方便且經濟高效, 燃氣壁爐係要行嘅路. You will gain the benefits discussed above when you choose an electric fireplace.…
  • 電動乙醇壁爐嘅好處

    在為您的家選擇合適的壁爐時, 你可以選擇燃木壁爐或燃氣壁爐。 雖然燃木壁爐可能係您的首選,因為它們好常見,但係揀乙醇壁爐都有好多好處. 幾個世紀以來,壁爐喺家庭中一直好受歡迎, 而且有充分嘅理由. 佢哋提供温暖, 可以令任何房間更具吸引力, 並為任何場合提供絕佳嘅氛圍. 最近嘅創新已經朝着使用天然氣和電力等更清潔嘅能源嚟產生熱量嘅方向發展。, 但電壁爐無法模仿傳統壁爐嘅吸引力. Now everyone has the option of benefiting from using electric ethanol fireplaces while also…
  • 購買酒精壁爐, 你必須了解呢啲冷酷嘅知識!

    The alcohol fireplace is a kind of ventless fireplace, 使用生物質乙醇醇作為燃料來源. 您可以在室內和室外使用多種類型的此類電器. 由於它們不需要煙囪或燃氣管道, 呢啲方便嘅設備可以移動到你想要嘅任何地方. 在室內或室外使用酒精壁爐就好似點燃火柴一樣簡單. 酒精壁爐電器一般都好安全, 但按照指示使用壁爐和儲存燃料都好緊要. Basic knowledge of alcohol fuel Alcohol fuel usually burns for about two and a half hours to three hours. 每罐嘅成本只有幾蚊到十幾蚊. Some fuel mixtures contain…
  • 3D水蒸汽壁爐的好處

    The fireplace core is the luminous part of a modern fireplace insert. In daily life, what we call fireplace cores usually refers to electric 3d fireplace cores. However, the fireplace core can be divided into electric fireplace core and real fire fireplace core according to the principle of luminous heating. In the home, a fireplace core can adjust the atmosphere of the room, and it can also be used for heating. It is a very warm thing, but the choice of fireplace core is also very important. Let’s get to know the 3d fireplace core with us today! The 3d electric fireplace is based on European classical fireplace production technology and modern acoustic and optical principles, which greatly improves the…
  • 乜嘢係真正嘅壁爐材料? What's the difference?

    A real fire fireplace is a heating device made of wood-burning materials. When installing, it is necessary to install the supporting chimney components, so the basic requirement for the building is that the chimney can be installed. At present, real fire fireplaces are mainly installed in independent buildings such as villas, townhouses, homestays, and self-built houses. Real fire fireplaces are divided into embedded fireplaces and free-standing real fire fireplaces. Real fire fireplaces mainly have three materials, namely steel plate fireplaces, cast iron fireplaces, and steel plate + soapstone fireplaces. Embedded fireplaces are generally divided into two forms: pure steel plate material and furnace steel plate material + furnace door cast iron material. Free-standing stoves are generally made of pure cast…
  • 別墅壁爐設計和購買事項需要關注

    Usually, in villas or townhouses or even in some houses with a relatively large area, people want to install a fireplace in the living room. In the early days, the fireplace was used for heating, but now most families regard it as a work of art, which plays a role of beautiful decoration. So design is particularly important. Today we will introduce to you how to design villa fireplaces and the precautions for purchasing fireplaces. There are many fireplaces on the market now, and we usually choose fireplaces according to the decoration style of our home. Although everyone knows this truth, what kind of fireplace corresponds to what kind of decoration style of the house everyone is still puzzled. 下一個,...
  • 美國壁爐嘅類型係乜嘢?

    If the fireplace is not installed properly, the heat dissipation performance will be greatly reduced. If the room area is large, auxiliary equipment can also be used for heat dissipation. Most modern fireplaces use electric energy as the main energy source, so the installation needs to pay attention to the safety of electricity. The fireplace consumes a lot of power, and if installed properly, it can effectively save energy. One. Precautions for Fireplace Installation 1. The fireplace is installed in the room with the most activities to achieve the greatest thermal efficiency. 如果室內地板高度較高, the use of fans can slowly spread the heat to the active area. 2. In order to match the fully automatic…
  • Does the fireside got to be maintained and maintained within the home if it's not used for an extended time

    Does the fireside get to be maintained and maintained within the home if it's not used for an extended time? the solution is yes. particularly in spring and summer, it is a decent season to keep up the fireplace, the editor can tell you ways to maintain and maintain the fireplace in your home. There are 3 varieties of fireplaces: wood-burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces, and electric fireplaces. wood burning fire. Wood-burning fire is that the most ancient fireplace and its price is comparatively cheaper, mistreatment natural wood because of the main burning material. however, the disadvantage of wood-burning fireplaces is that it's terribly hard to light-weight them. 另外, the wants for wood also are very high, and semipermanent drying…
  • 使用電子壁爐有咩優點

    Nowadays, single-family single-family buildings are very common, and this kind of home is generally very large, so our ordinary heating method is difficult to cover the entire area. 所以, what do they generally use for heating? I don’t know if you have ever heard of something called an electronic fireplace. I believe that many people don’t understand or know the benefits of an electronic fireplace. 下一個, I will tell you what an electronic fireplace is? What are the benefits of using an electric fireplace? Hope it helps everyone. What is an electric fireplace? The origin of the fireplace can be traced back to the time when humans first moved into the cave and used the "fire pond" for lighting, heating,...