最佳3D水蒸氣壁爐 2023

最佳3D水蒸氣壁爐 2023

乜嘢喺屋入面創造舒適感? 答案係肯定嘅, 首先, 係一個平靜嘅氣氛, 以及得意嘅內飾或其個別物品. 各種風格手法同房間元素營造出美感和舒適嘅氛圍. 壁爐已成為房間不可或缺嘅一部分, 圍繞它創造和諧同屋企嘅温暖感. 每年, 水蒸氣壁爐嘅普及程度增加. 係一種內置水蒸汽發生器嘅電氣設備. 它能夠模擬爐膛中嘅真實火災, 與真實嘅幾乎冇區別, 增加其興趣和需求. They are able to create a very realistic imitation of fire in the furnace, almost indistinguishable from a real flame.

乜嘢喺屋入面創造舒適感? 答案係肯定嘅, 首先, 係一個平靜嘅氣氛, 以及得意嘅內飾或其個別物品. 各種風格手法同房間元素營造出美感和舒適嘅氛圍. 壁爐已成為房間不可或缺嘅一部分, 圍繞它創造和諧同屋企嘅温暖感. 每年, 水蒸氣壁爐嘅普及程度增加. 係一種內置水蒸汽發生器嘅電氣設備. 它能夠模擬爐膛中嘅真實火災, 與真實嘅幾乎冇區別, 增加其興趣和需求. They are able to create a very realistic imitation of fire in the furnace, almost indistinguishable from a real flame.

For an apartment or a house, such a system will undoubtedly be a right and optimal solution. The decorative vapor fireplace looks very attractive, the fire in it seems like a real one.

What is a water vapor fireplace? An electric fireplace is an opportunity to enjoy the steady crackling of wood, pleasant warmth, and soaring flames, without setting fire to anything and sitting in your apartment. You will not need to worry about where to store firewood (there will be no garbage from them), where to output the chimney; just plug it into an outlet and enjoy the fireplace’s work. Aside from this, you can also choose an ethanol fireplace as another option that is available.

How does a water vapor fireplace work? Water vapor fireplace works on a 24V electric power supply. However, in addition to the opti-mist in the water tank, we are considering, there are either led lamps in the amount of 20 pieces of LEDs. Properly placed light source and provides visibility of the fire in a cloud of water vapor. Where does the smoke come from? After all, most manufacturers guarantee a complete imitation of fire, which means that there must be a combustion product. That’s right, and just the scattering water vapor, far enough away from the light source, resembles a smoke illuminated by a dancing flame.

However, the heat is not radiated by fire, raising your hand to it, you can only feel the moisture, however, quite warmed up by led lamp (which contributes to the ease of flight of droplets). The fireplace has built-in heating elements along with thermostat and fine electronics that allow you to enter the desired temperature parameters into the memory. In other words, such devices have full climate control.

Completely Safe And Eco-friendly Fireplace A completely safe and eco-friendly fireplace with “real” flames. The Art-Fire line of the Art-Fireplace water vapor fireplace inserts with natural cool orange flames and Unlimited color flames offers a new fire experience. The experience of a contemporary fireplace that is perfectly adapted to the modern, eco-friendly lifestyle and urban housing constraints.

New Water Vapor Fireplace With APP Control

發佈時間: 2023-03-27