How to DIY water vapor fireplace in room

How to use an ultrasonic mist module to make your own opti-myst fireplace
As you can see, All water vapor fireplace has a really neat design. Despite their fancy name, ultrasonic fireplaces are not that complex. The technology rely on a simple mist maker module. Qo'shimcha, these mist makers are easy to use. The ultrasonic module replacement part for Art Fireplace models can be relatively expansive. Therefore, I would instead suggest you to buy cheaper mist makers that could easily get the job done for a fraction of the price. Please have a look at my previous post to learn more about these ultrasonic mist makers.
Keyingisi, you need to make a reservoir to accommodate the mist maker. The design could be similar to the Art Fire fireplace video shown above. The next video by Old Ben is another example of a good configuration that you could use for this DIY water vapor fireplace. In this one, a small computer fan is also used to push the mist towards the LED lights to create the fake flame illusion.

How to build Art Vapor Fires insert
To make the fireplace insert, you could simply use commercial ones already available on the market. Art Vapor Fire Team Focus on Intelligent Fires For more than 10 years.The quality and Technology are reliable with great value.
1.Prepare the housing with cutout exactlt to the specifications provided.10mm wider than the drawings for the housing.
To install an Art vapor fireplace, you need to create a housing (a surface that will support the fireplace insert).
2.Leave holes or gaps for air intake bellow the fireplaces.
Odamlar turli xil bezaklar bilan turli joylarda bug 'olovlarini ishlatishlari mumkin,an'anaviy kamin dizaynlari uchun jurnallar bilan yoki ko'zoynaksiz zamonaviy dizaynlar uchun,
Turli dizaynlar uchun,kamin ostida bug'ning yuqoriga ko'tarilishiga imkon beradigan etarli havo borligiga ishonch hosil qilishimiz kerak.
3.Tizimni rozetkaga ulang va uni korpusga joylashtiring.
Standart voltli elektr rozetkasi talab qilinadi. (eng yaxshi korpus ichida joylashgan). Tizim 100/240 V kuchlanish bilan birga keladi (50-60 Hz) – 24V UL roʻyxatidagi quvvat adapteri (konvertor).
Boshqa bug 'olov tizimlaridan farqli o'laroq, Art Fire bug 'olovi past kuchlanish tizimi bilan ishlaydi, shuning uchun u ancha xavfsizroq.
4.Tankni musluk suvi bilan to'ldiring (yoki tizimni sanitariya-tesisatga ulang)
Odamlar suv quvurini kaminga ulashni xohlasalar,people can prepare a water plastic tube from the water pipe system in the housing and connect it to the fireplace.
Turn on the faucet,water will comes into the fireplace automatically.When it comes to a spirit level,it will stop injection.So people no need to add water into the fireplace manually any more.

As you can see, it is not that hard to build your own water vapor fireplace. Sure, you will spend more time to install everything.
So, is it really worth it in the end? Well, that all depends on your crafting skills and your budget.

We Recommand People buy the device first,and then make the constructions.
As you can see, All water vapor fireplace has a really neat design. Both Led and ULT are important.LED must be water proof and bright enough. ULT should have stainless steel materials body. Ultrasonik kaminlar juda murakkab emas. Texnologiya tuman ishlab chiqaruvchi modulga tayanadi. Qo'shimcha, these mist makers are easy to use. Tuman ishlab chiqaruvchilar yaxshi suv sifati ostida ishlashlari kerak.
Umumiy xulosalar,Suv bug'lari bilan ishlaydigan sun'iy kaminlar sizning mehmonlaringizni albatta xursand qiladigan ajoyib jihozlardir! Endi siz ushbu soxta kaminlar ortidagi fanni tushuntirib, ularni hayratda qoldirishingiz mumkin!

Art Kamin jamoasi sizning suv bug'ini qanday qilib o'z qo'lingiz bilan yoqish haqidagi har qanday savollarga javob berishdan mamnun. Bizda ko'proq narsaga ega bo'lgan professional muhandislar va dizaynerlar mavjud 15 sizni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun ko'p yillik tajriba.

Post vaqti: 2021-10-27