Kutenderera Ethanol Burner AR70

Among the best Art Fireplace Designs, The Ventless Round Ethanol Burner AR70 inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. The intermediate solution for a dynamic fire which remains compatible with the medium-sized rooms.

Chigadzirwa Chigadzirwa

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Chigadzirwa Mateki

Among the best Art Fireplace Designs, The Ventless Round Ethanol Burner AR70 inserts allows the flames to develop freely and in a very natural way. The intermediate solution for a dynamic fire which remains compatible with the medium-sized rooms.

BrandNzvimbo yemoto
Remote KudzoraEhe
KushandisaMumakamuri eepadiki 40 m2
Fuel Consumption1.2Liter / Awa
Heat Output3750Watt
Rimi Rurefu474mm / 18.66inch
Flame Height180mm / 7.08inch
Cutout Dimension480mm Kureba / 18.90inch
Cutout Dimension480mm Upamhi / 18.90inch
Cutout Dimension250mm Yakadzika / 9.85inch
KubatsiraAuto-Ignition/extinguisher, Over heat protection, Shake-off protection,C02 sensor, Pamusoro pekudzivirira kuyerera, Kiyi-yemwana
KushandisaChivako, Apartment , Bhawa, Hofisi…
ChitupaCE / FCC / IC


AR70 Model Featured Functions:
1.Akangwara ethanol burner kutsakatika kana kuvesa zvakarairwa nemagetsi bhodhi uye Bhatani ON / OFF uye kure kure.
2.Otomatiki yekuzadza jekiseni uye bhuku rekuzadza jekiseni basa rekupisa.
3. Zvinyorwa musimbi uye MDF.
4. Vakaparadzanisa bio-ethanol tangi uye unopisa muchoto.
5. Co2 Kuchengetedza infrared detector iyo inomisa moto mune chiitiko chekusvika vasina-mvumo nhanho.
6.Bvisa basa kana icho chinopisa chichiendeswa nechisimba chekunze.
7. Otomatiki yemagetsi pombi yekuzadza iyo yemoto tireyi yeanopisa.
8. Nemagetsi ekupisa michina, zvinongoerekana zvatsakatika kana tembiricha ichisvika kune asina-mvumo nhanho.
9. Chaja ye AC kana bheja bhatiri ine bhatiri inorodha.
10.Iine odhiyo mhedzisiro.
11. Basa Rekuvhara Kwevana.

Kufuridzirwa kwezvakatipoteredza moto: kusanganiswa kwetsika nemuchadenga! Ichi chichava zano rakanakisa remukati wepamusoro wemoto nzvimbo dhizaini!

Tinogona kubata zvese zvishongedzo neizvi zvitsva moto-zvishandiso. Chaizvoizvo Nice zano kuve neyako yazvino yakangwara bio ethanol choto!

Uya nehukama hwepedyo hweiyi yakanaka moto choto mumba mako uye unakirwe nechena hukama.

Nemirazvo yeunyanzvi ethanol Fireplace, Kugara pamwechete, Kugovera iwo Mufaro uye Kubudirira neMhuri Yako uye Partner uchinwa doro dzvuku, Kutaura, Kutamba, Kuseka… Icho chinofanira kunge chiri Chikuru!!!

All prototype products have to go through 4 checks in the whole process:

  1. Raw material inspection
  2. In processing inspection
  3. Final inspection
  4. Outgoing inspection

op Six Reasons to Choose Bio Ethanol Fireplaces:

A real fire is a stunning addition to any home or garden; whether designed as a subtle statement or a dramatic centrepiece, there is a unique attraction to dancing, flickering flames that simply cannot be matched by any imitation. Bio ethanol fires are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional wood or coal burning fire – and here are some of the top reasons why.


Mubvunzo:How about sample order?

A:We accept sample order before production, it's an necessary step before moving to successful cooperation, do not hesitate to contact with us for that.

Mubvunzo:Ndekupi kwandinogona kutenga imwe uye kuti zvinoda marii?

A:Art Fireplace inogovera zvigadzirwa zvayo mune zvinopfuura 100 nyika uye anonunura kune chero nyika. To find out where to purchase an Art Fireplace or insert, ndokumbirawo zadza fomu raunowana pane peji rekubata. Mumiriri weFire Fireplace anomupindura neemail mukati 24 maawa pamwe nekatalog uye mitengo.

Kana chikumbiro chako chiri chakanyatsojeka uye chichiisa imwe kana akawanda chaiwo mamodheru, usazeza kutaura nezvavo pafomu rekubatana. Isu tinobva tazokutumira iwo chaiwo technical technical tsananguro yechigadzirwa icho, dhayagiramu yekuisa ine zviyero zvinofanirwa kuremekedzwa pamwe nekufungidzira kusanganisira mari yekuendesa.

Mubvunzo:How can check my order status?

A:You can receive real-time status updates on your orders by contacting us. We have found that providing customers with the answers and transparency they desire has led to high levels of customer satisfaction.

Mubvunzo:Ndoodha sei ndobhadhara?

A:Mushure mekugamuchira fungidziro yako uye kana iwe uchida kuisa odha, ndapota titumirei:
Kero yako yekuendesa inosanganisira kodhi yepositi (pamwe nekero yekubhadhara kana zvakasiyana).
Foni nhamba yemununuri
Kopi yemubhadharo wako
Kubhadhara kwakazara pakurongeka:
Nekutamisa bhangi, pasina muripo
Uchishandisa ruzivo rwebhangi rwakapiwa pane fungidziro, ndapota titumirei kopi kuitira kuti tikwanise kuendesa pakarepo pasuru yako.
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