How to DIY water vapor fireplace in room

How to use an ultrasonic mist module to make your own opti-myst fireplace
E pei ona e va'ai, All afi ausa vai has a really neat design. Despite their fancy name, ultrasonic fireplaces are not that complex. The technology rely on a simple mist maker module. I le male, these mist makers are easy to use. The ultrasonic module replacement part for Art Fireplace models can be relatively expansive. Therefore, I would instead suggest you to buy cheaper mist makers that could easily get the job done for a fraction of the price. Please have a look at my previous post to learn more about these ultrasonic mist makers.
Sosoo ai, you need to make a reservoir to accommodate the mist maker. The design could be similar to the Art Fire fireplace video shown above. The next video by Old Ben is another example of a good configuration that you could use for this DIY afi ausa vai. In this one, a small computer fan is also used to push the mist towards the LED lights to create the fake flame illusion.

How to build Art Vapor Fires insert
To make the fireplace insert, e mafai lava ona e fa'aogaina mea fa'apisinisi ua maua ile maketi. Art Vapor Fire Team Taulai atu i Afi Atamai Mo sili atu nai lo 10 tausaga.O le lelei ma Tekinolosi e faʻatuatuaina ma le taua tele.
1.Prepare the housing with cutout exactlt to the specifications provided.10mm wider than the drawings for the housing.
E fa'apipi'i se ta'ega afi ausa Art, e tatau ona e fausia se fale (o se mea e lagolago ai le fa'aofiina o le afi).
2.Tu'u ni pu po'o ni va mo le ea i lalo ole tafu afi.
E mafai e tagata ona faʻaogaina afi afi i le tele o nofoaga eseese ma eseese teuteuga,mo mamanu fa'aafi masani fa'atasi ai ma/leai ni ogalaau po'o fa'aonaponei fa'aonaponei fa'atasi ai ma/e aunoa ma ni matatioata,
Mo mamanu eseese,e tatau ona tatou mautinoa pe o lava le ea i lalo o le afi e alu ai le ausa i luga.
3.Faʻapipiʻi le faiga ma faʻapipiʻi i totonu o le fale.
E mana'omia se so'o eletise Volt fa'apitoa. (sili ona lelei i totonu o le fale). O le faiga e sau ma le 100/240V (50-60 Hz) – 24V UL Lisi eletise eletise (liliu).
E le pei o isi faiga afi ausa, Art Fire vapor fire works with a low voltage system, o lea e sili atu le saogalemu.
4.Fill the tank with tap water (or hook up the system to plumbing)
Afai e mana'o tagata e fa'afeso'ota'i le paipa vai i le afi,e mafai e tagata ona saunia se paipa palasitika vai mai le paipa vai i totonu o le fale ma faʻafesoʻotaʻi i le afi.
Ki le paipa,o le a otometi lava ona sau le vai i totonu o le afi,o le a taofi tui.O lea e le toe mana'omia e tagata le fa'aopoopoina o le vai i totonu o le afi ma le lima.

E pei ona e va'ai, it is not that hard to build your own afi ausa vai. E mautinoa, e te faʻaaluina le tele o le taimi e faʻapipiʻi ai mea uma.
O lea, e matua aoga lava i le iuga? Ia, e fa'alagolago mea uma i ou tomai taulima ma lau paketi.

We Recommand People buy the device first,and then make the constructions.
E pei ona e va'ai, All water vapor fireplace has a really neat design. Both Led and ULT are important.LED must be water proof and bright enough. ULT should have stainless steel materials body. Ultrasonic fireplaces are not too much complex. The technology rely on a mist maker module. I le male, these mist makers are easy to use. The mist makers need work under a good water quality.
Fa'ai'uga lautele,O ausa afi afi o ni mea manaia e mautinoa e faafiafia ai au malo! E mafai fo'i ona e fa'afiafiaina i latou e ala i le fa'amatalaina o le fa'asaienisi o lo'o i tua atu o nei ta'ega afi!

Art Fireplace Team are pleased to answer any questions about how to diy your water vapor fires. We have professional engineers and designers who own more than 15 years experiences to support you.

Taimi Post: 2021-10-27