
  • ڪيئن اليڪٽرانڪ fireplaces چونڊي؟

    There are several things you need to consider before choosing a fireplace, but the ultimate factor is your personal style. If you think there is any chance that you may want to move the structure to another room, choose a classic model that goes with a variety of decor schemes. ڇا توهان پنهنجي خوابن جو گهر ٺاهي رهيا آهيو يا توهان جي موجوده گهر جي مرمت ڪري رهيا آهيو, توهان چمني کي اپڊيٽ ڪندي پنهنجي گهر جو سڄو انداز تبديل ڪري سگهو ٿا. ڪاٺ جي جلندڙ چمني وڌيڪ عام ٿي سگھي ٿي, پر برقي چمني مقبوليت حاصل ڪري رهيا آهن. جيڪڏهن توهان هڪ چمني چاهيو ٿا ته سجيل آهي, آسان ۽ قيمت-موثر, هڪ گئس چمني وڃڻ جو رستو آهي. You will gain the benefits discussed above when you choose an electric fireplace.…
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  • هڪ برقي ايٿانول چمني سان فائدا

    When it comes to choosing the right fireplace for your home, you have the option of selecting a wood-burning or a gas fireplace.While wood-burning fireplaces may be your first choice because they are so common,But there are also many benefits to choosing an Ethanol fireplace instead. Fireplaces have been popular in homes for centuries, and for good reason. They offer warmth, ڪنهن به ڪمري کي وڌيڪ پرڪشش بڻائي سگهي ٿو, ۽ ڪنهن به موقعي لاء عظيم ماحول فراهم ڪريو. Recent innovations have progressed toward using cleaner energy sources such as natural gas and electricity to generate heat, but electric fireplaces were unable to emulate the attractive qualities of a traditional fireplace. Now everyone has the option of benefiting from using electric ethanol fireplaces while also…
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  • شراب جي چمني خريد ڪرڻ لاءِ, توھان کي سمجھڻ گھرجي انھن ٿ coldي علم کي!

    الڪوحل چمني هڪ قسم جي وينٽيبل چمني آهي, جيڪو بايوماس ايٿانول الڪوحل کي ٻارڻ جي ذريعن طور استعمال ڪري ٿو. توھان گھرن اندر ۽ ٻاھران ڪيترن ئي قسمن جا اوزار استعمال ڪري سگھو ٿا. ڇاڪاڻ ته انهن کي چمني يا گئس پائپ جي ضرورت ناهي, اهي آسان ڊوائيسز ڪنهن به جاء تي توهان چاهيو ٿا منتقل ڪري سگهجي ٿو. اندر يا ٻاهر شراب جي چمني استعمال ڪرڻ آسان آهي جيترو هڪ ميچ کي روشن ڪرڻ. شراب جي چمني جو سامان عام طور تي ڪافي محفوظ آهن, پر اهو پڻ ضروري آهي ته باهه جي جڳهن کي استعمال ڪرڻ ۽ ايندھن کي ذخيرو ڪرڻ لاء هدايت ڪئي وئي آهي. Basic knowledge of alcohol fuel Alcohol fuel usually burns for about two and a half hours to three hours. The cost of each can is only a few yuan to a dozen yuan. Some fuel mixtures contain…
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  • هڪ 3D واٽر اسٽيم چمني سان فائدا

    The fireplace core is the luminous part of a modern fireplace insert. In daily life, what we call fireplace cores usually refers to electric 3d fireplace cores. بهرحال, the fireplace core can be divided into electric fireplace core and real fire fireplace core according to the principle of luminous heating. In the home, a fireplace core can adjust the atmosphere of the room, and it can also be used for heating. It is a very warm thing, but the choice of fireplace core is also very important. Let’s get to know the 3d fireplace core with us today! The 3d electric fireplace is based on European classical fireplace production technology and modern acoustic and optical principles, which greatly improves the…
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  • fireا مواد آهن حقيقي باهه plaارڻ لاءِ? ڪهڙو فرق آهي?

    A real fire fireplace is a heating device made of wood-burning materials. انسٽال ڪرڻ وقت, اهو ضروري آهي ته سپورٽ چمني اجزاء کي نصب ڪرڻ لاء, تنهنڪري عمارت جي بنيادي ضرورت اها آهي ته چمني نصب ٿي سگهي ٿي. في الحال, حقيقي فائر فائر جڳهون خاص طور تي آزاد عمارتن ۾ نصب ٿيل آهن جهڙوڪ ولا, ٽائون هائوس, هوم اسٽا, ۽ خود تعمير ٿيل گھر. حقيقي فائر فائر جڳهن ۾ ورهايل آهن ايمبيڊڊ فائر جڳهن ۽ آزاد بيٺل حقيقي فائر فائر جڳهن ۾. حقيقي باھ جي چمني ۾ بنيادي طور تي ٽي مواد آھن, يعني اسٽيل پليٽ چمني, اڇلائي لوھ جي چمني, ۽ اسٽيل پليٽ + صابن پٿر جي چمني. شامل ٿيل چمني عام طور تي ٻن شڪلن ۾ ورهايل آهن: خالص اسٽيل پليٽ مواد ۽ فرنس اسٽيل پليٽ مواد + فرنس دروازو اڇلائي لوھ مواد. Free-standing stoves are generally made of pure cast…
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  • ولاز چمني جي ڊيزائن ۽ خريداري جا معاملا attentionيان جي ضرورت آھن

    Usually, in villas or townhouses or even in some houses with a relatively large area, people want to install a fireplace in the living room. In the early days, the fireplace was used for heating, but now most families regard it as a work of art, which plays a role of beautiful decoration. So design is particularly important. Today we will introduce to you how to design villa fireplaces and the precautions for purchasing fireplaces. There are many fireplaces on the market now, and we usually choose fireplaces according to the decoration style of our home. Although everyone knows this truth, what kind of fireplace corresponds to what kind of decoration style of the house everyone is still puzzled. اڳيان,۽ هن جو مطلب اهو آهي ته دستي بايو فائر جڳهن جون قيمتون هن نقطي تي تمام گهٽ آهن
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  • آمريڪي آتش بازي جا قسم ا آھن؟?

    If the fireplace is not installed properly, the heat dissipation performance will be greatly reduced. If the room area is large, auxiliary equipment can also be used for heat dissipation. Most modern fireplaces use electric energy as the main energy source, so the installation needs to pay attention to the safety of electricity. The fireplace consumes a lot of power, and if installed properly, it can effectively save energy. One. Precautions for Fireplace Installation 1. The fireplace is installed in the room with the most activities to achieve the greatest thermal efficiency. جيڪڏهن اندروني فرش جي اوچائي آهي, the use of fans can slowly spread the heat to the active area. 2. In order to match the fully automatic…
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  • Does the fireside got to be maintained and maintained within the home if it's not used for an extended time

    Does the fireside get to be maintained and maintained within the home if it's not used for an extended time? the solution is yes. particularly in spring and summer, it is a decent season to keep up the fireplace, the editor can tell you ways to maintain and maintain the fireplace in your home. There are 3 varieties of fireplaces: wood-burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces, and electric fireplaces. wood burning fire. Wood-burning fire is that the most ancient fireplace and its price is comparatively cheaper, mistreatment natural wood because of the main burning material. however, the disadvantage of wood-burning fireplaces is that it's terribly hard to light-weight them. In addition, the wants for wood also are very high, and semipermanent drying…
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  • اليڪٽرانڪ چمني استعمال ڪرڻ جا فائدا ڇا آهن

    Nowadays, single-family single-family buildings are very common, and this kind of home is generally very large, so our ordinary heating method is difficult to cover the entire area. So, what do they generally use for heating? I don’t know if you have ever heard of something called an electronic fireplace. I believe that many people don’t understand or know the benefits of an electronic fireplace. اڳيان, I will tell you what an electronic fireplace is? What are the benefits of using an electric fireplace? Hope it helps everyone. What is an electric fireplace? The origin of the fireplace can be traced back to the time when humans first moved into the cave and used the "fire pond" for lighting, heating,۽ هن جو مطلب اهو آهي ته دستي بايو فائر جڳهن جون قيمتون هن نقطي تي تمام گهٽ آهن
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  • چمني جي بنيادي knowledgeاڻ جو هڪ خلاصو

    Basic knowledge of fireplaces: Fireplaces can be divided into wood-burning, gas-fired, coal-fired and electric fireplaces according to the heat source; they are divided into embedded and independent according to the structure. Except for electric fireplaces, they are called real fire fireplaces. Wood-burning fireplaces need to install a flue on the roof, while gas fireplaces do not require an additional chimney, only a  20 cm hole in the side wall, both before and after the house decoration. High-rise buildings and villas can be constructed. The gas fireplace is a balanced exhaust. 100%  of the combustion air is sucked from outside through the coaxial duct. Small pipes are embedded in large pipes to ensure complete isolation of combustible gas, thereby ensuring the quality…
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انڪوائري هاڻي