Приобретение ручной или автоматической вставки для этанолового огня

Если вы ищете эффективный и экономичный камин, этанол для каминов окажется для вас лучшим выбором. Они экологически безопасны и имеют лучшую долговечность по сравнению с другими каминами..

Этанол Камин inserts operate largely the same as regular ethanol fireplaces. Основное различие, на которое следует обратить внимание, заключается в том, покупаете ли вы ручную или автоматическую вставку этанола.. Ручные каминные топки на этаноле обычно используются на открытом воздухе., так что вам не придется беспокоиться об элементах и ​​их воздействии на электронные детали.

С ручной каминной топкой, ты добавишь топлива, используйте зажигалку, чтобы зажечь пламя, а затем вручную отрегулируйте горелку, чтобы выбрать высоту пламени или интенсивность. Turning off the fire is as simple as using an included damper tool.

Automatic fireplace inserts can typically also be operated manually, but for ease of use, they’re usually controlled via electronic devices. There may be a touch panel on your fireplace insert or remote control. Many electronic ethanol fireplace inserts can also be turned on and off with an app via a smart device like your tablet or phone, or even smart home system. With an automatic fireplace insert, you’ll not only be able to easily turn the fire on and off, you may also be able to control the flame height, set an auto-shutoff timer, and even monitor fuel consumption. Some electronic ethanol inserts also have an auto-refill function to save you the hassle of refilling your tank on a frequent basis.

Looking for even more customization? Most fireplace inserts are made from a heavy gauge stainless steel to ensure long-term durability, but if you want to change the look, you’ve got lots of options.

Commercial fireplace inserts may be hooked up to an external fuel tank – brands like Art-fireplace offer this option. An external fuel tank means less-frequent refills, plus the security of your fuel away from guests or patrons of your establishment. We invite you to browse our collection of ethanol fireplace inserts as a starting point for your design dreams. If you’re looking for a custom size, color, or shape, contact us to learn about what options may be available. Fireplace inserts offer more flexibility than any other type of fireplace–including water Vapor Fires, and even other models of ethanol fireplaces. Create a one-of-a-kind fire installation in your home or business and enjoy warm, cozy feelings for years to come.

As a range that may be requested in several configurations, with manual & automatic operational options, the ethanol firebox inserts afford you freedom of design, so that custom fireplaces are easily achievable.

2023 Automatic Ethanol Fireplace With Remote

Время публикации: 2023-03-02