What is Water Vapor Fireplace?

Advantages of Art Water stream Fires.
'Nar chimenea vapor ar dehe is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. This is a new technology of artificial fires that only use water and therefore are totally safe, do not generate carbon monoxide and are a green alternative to conventional wood burning fireplaces.Of course, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. But on the positive side you can use it all summer long!
These artificial fires use an ultrasonic mist maker to generate cool mist. The mist maker module consists of a ceramic disk vibrating at ultrasonic frequencies. These vibrations create water droplets that reflect the light produced by the LEDs. Komongu ar nt'uni, they create an unbelievably realistic artificial flame illusion.
Water mist fireplaces can also be used as a humidifier to keep the space suitable for skin and breath.
And with multipled functions,such as multiple colors,music players,color-music mixed functions etc.

Art Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires.Both Bio ethanol Fires and Water Mist Fires.
We use low voltage 24V input for the devices,and Stainless Steel Top plate with different colors,any customized request are available.
It is easy to install and operate the devices.
All devices come with spare parts for replacement.It is easy to change the LEDs and vapor makers.

Fun Facts about Water Vapor Fireplaces.
Chimenea vapor ar dehe ge 'na ya mpädi mäs xi alternativas ja ya chimeneas hneise̲ xithe̲ wa gas ya ndunthe ya razones.:
1.Chimenea vapor ar dehe pe̲ts'i ar imitación llama mäs realista ar nga̲tho ya 'ra xingu ya chimeneas alternativas.
2.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't produce any harmful emissions keeping your air clean.
3.Ar "hu" chimenea vapor ar dehe ar fresco ar tacto ir nge nä'ä ar pädi xi hño pa ya bätsi, Mascotas, pa ár instalación espacios comerciales abarrotados.
4.Water Vapor Fireplace has a huge number of installation options because it doesn't need venting or clearances and the 3D flame can be open on from sides.
5.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate. Funciona ko ar dehe jar grifo ne ya ya LED consumen xi poca ar tsibi.
Di 'bu̲i xingu ya njapu'befi ja ya chimeneas vapor ar dehe, komongu ár hñets'i'i consumo energía ne nt'emunsu ja ar nt'uni mbo jar ximha̲i, pe ár njäts'i nu'bu ar nuna.: Ya chimeneas vapor ar dehe presentan 'nar deslumbrante realismo llama da rivaliza ko ar gas, ar ntsuni ne ya simplicidad ar tsibi.

Komo tsa̲ ga, it is not that hard to build your own water vapor fireplace. Pädi xi hño, Dedicará mäs pa da instalar ga̲tho.So, ¿Realmente Bale ar penä ar ngäts'i?? Pozo, ga̲tho bi jagu̲ju̲ ir habilidades artesanía ne ir bojä.

Vapor ar dehe hinda ventilación tsibi AFW 80 ; Vapor ar dehe hinda ventilación tsibi AFW150 ;

Vapor ar dehe hinda ventilación tsibi AFW100 ; Vapor ar dehe hinda ventilación tsibi AFW120

Ora he̲'mi: 2021-10-26