Moto Wamatsenga Wokhala Ndi ArtFireplace

Extraordinary fire place with high-end technology

The Moto Wowotchera Mowa Wowotcha Moto manage the balancing act between a cozy furnishing concept and a clearly structured design. Dziwani zachitsanzo chamitundu yambiri chomwe chikugwirizana ndi chipinda chamakono ndipo chingaphatikizidwe bwino ndi mawonekedwe amakono., komanso zimatsimikizira kalembedwe kogwirizana ndi moyo wanu komanso moyo wanu. Lolani kuti musangalale ndi zinthu za ArtFireplace, zomwe zimagwirizanitsa magwiridwe antchito ndi kukhudza kwapadera. “Pangani kalembedwe kanu!” ndikudalira zida zabwino kwambiri.


Some fireplaces give off a strong, fungo losavomerezeka. This is not the case with bio ethanol fireplaces. Fireplaces that use ethanol fuel or bio ethanol fuel are low odor-producing fire features. With this type of fireplace, you don’t have to worry about offensive smells coming from the fireplace.


ArtFireplace flame control fireplaces value and respect the most basic needs of every designer and user, that is to enjoy a moment of quietness that life brings. That quietness calms the mind and settles it down. It is based on this need that our fireplace is the same, and she is also an important part of the quiet.


With an ethanol fireplace fired up, you’ll get a bright flame as a result of this fuel source. Some fireplaces emit small flames that don’t really appeal to those seeking vibrant flame fires.But the Flame Controlled Ethanol can freely control the height of the flame according to your personal preferences, and truly realize the freedom of flame effect. If you want a bright flame fire feature, look no further than the moto wa ethanol.

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Nthawi yolembetsa: 2022-07-13