A traditional fireplace created a hole in a home’s roof, with quick heat loss and the burning of wood isn’t a practical — or healthy — option for many who live in areas with burning restrictions or outright fireplace bans. An ethanol fireplace becomes the best option for people who want the warmth and ambiance of a fireplace. These fireplaces create heat, but do not require to be vented and do not require a flue. A really free design element for urban and traditional designs both.

The fireplace is made of steel, stainless, and glass and is available with a steel or black finish to suit any modern design. This embodies sleek and modern.It’s truly a contemporary design, featuring a polished metal square with clean and clear glass plates that guard the flames along the front and back of the open shape. The eye will be drawn to the crisp flames, which are reflected in the glass and add a beautiful shine to the steel bolts affixing the plates in place.On this basis,the growing list of manufacturers in the ethanol fireplace space are constantly introducing new styles, colors, and functional fireplace types.

The bio-ethanol smart fireplace which burns clean bio ethanol fuel and does not affect air quality are ready to change any room, in any home with the bright, or muted glow of warm inviting real flames.Traditional recessed wall fireplaces with front tinted glass, together with tabletop, freestanding, wall hugging, wall mounted, corner and portable ethanol fireplaces are all a part of the wide selection of ethanol fireplace models.

Along with the recessed modern style of the glass fronted fireplace for a traditional living room setting, bio-ethanol fireplaces are also available for interior walls because no chimney or venting system is needed when installed. This changes the fireplace game drastically.

Ethanol Fireplaces are low-maintenance and are renowned for generating good amounts of heat. They also don't require a chimney meaning 'they can be installed virtually anywhere so long as a balanced flue can be fitted,' notes Vicky Naylor from ACR. 'Art Fireplace Team makes them easy to be operated and you can have remote control or smart models that allow you to set timers and flame heights from your remote controller or smartphone or tablet.

Whether you would like to create a new impressive centre piece in your home or replace your current wood-burner, our bioethanol fireplace will bring the glowing atmosphere of a real open fire without any hassle, smoke or ashes. Some of the benefits: – Ease of Installation – No Chimney or flues system Required – 100% Energy Efficiency – Environmental Friendly – Easy to Use & Maintain – Looks and Heats great.

These characteristics are the framework of the Intelligent Ethanol Fireplace remote ignition design bio ethanol burner inserts and designer fireplaces. Art Fireplace Intelligent ethanol fire also has the following features
L-etanol huwa sustanza kombustibbli ħafna u għalhekk huwa importanti ħafna li t-tank tal-fjuwil tan-nar jinżamm magħluq sewwa f'kull ħin. Therefore, In-nar intelliġenti ta 'l-etanol huwa aktar sigur minn fuklari tradizzjonali.
2.In-nar ta 'l-etanol intelliġenti huwa aktar b'saħħtu filwaqt li jiġġenera s-sħana.
Biex tiġġenera s-sħana, Intelliġenti Ethanol Fire burn fuel. Xogħol Intelliġenti tan-Nar Ethanol bħall-biċċa l-kbira tat-tipi ta 'fuklari li jaħarqu l-injam. L-unika differenza hawnhekk hija li l-etanol ma jipproduċix duħħan u dijossidu tal-karbonju bħala l-nar tal-injam.. Fil-fatt, nar ta 'l-etanol ta' daqs medju jipproduċi ammont żgħir ħafna ta 'dijossidu tal-karbonju li m'għandekx bżonn tinstalla ċmieni jew ċumnija meta tuża dan it-tip ta' fuklari.
3.In-nar ta 'l-etanol intelliġenti jagħmel l-installazzjoni aktar faċli.
Biex tiffunzjona tajjeb, Intelliġenti Ethanol Fire jeħtieġ li jkollu għeluq biex jgħammar is-sors tan-nar u tank tal-karburant biex iżomm l-etanol. Intelliġenti Ethanol Fire jista 'jkun stazzjonarju jew portabbli. Il-biċċa l-kbira tat-tipi ta 'Nar ta' Ethanol Intelliġenti stazzjonarji huma mmuntati mal-ħitan filwaqt li n-Nar ta 'Ethanol Intelliġenti li jista' jinġarr jixbhu aktar stufi żgħar b'kompartimenti biex jilqgħu n-nar.

Ħin tal-post: 2023-04-06