예술 수증기 화재의 보안

아름다운 벽난로가 빛을 더합니다., 어떤 방에도 따뜻한 분위기, 집, 또는 사업. 어떤 사람들은 재를 봅니다., 이것은 바이오 벽난로의 버너와 작동 방식을 나타냅니다., and carbon emissions of live fireplaces as a drawback and opt for other options instead.These alternative options include 전기 벽난로 or bio-ethanol fireplaces, 친환경적이고 매혹적인.

수돗물 사용, 벽난로는 공기 중으로 안개를 방출. 사실적인 연기와 불꽃 효과를 만들기 위해, LED 조명이 물방울에 반사됩니다. 아름다운 벽난로가 빛을 더합니다., 어떤 방에도 따뜻한 분위기, 집, 또는 사업. 어떤 사람들은 재를 봅니다., 이것은 바이오 벽난로의 버너와 작동 방식을 나타냅니다., 라이브 벽난로의 탄소 배출을 단점으로 하고 대신 다른 옵션을 선택하십시오..

The flames or flame image of electric fireplaces is approaching more and more the image of real flames. Most electric fireplaces have a flame image, which is achieved by projecting light onto mirrors. With a water vapor fireplace, light is projected onto fine water vapour. The swirling water vapor, lit by colored lamps, resembles flames.That is unlimited fire.

수증기 벽난로 is completely safe for small children. The swirling water vapor is not hot. The water vapor is created by an ultrasonic evaporator that only evaporates the water and does not heat it. Accessible electrical parts are powered by low voltage and do not pose any further danger. (note! it is of course not a children's toy)

수증기 벽난로 does require a little more maintenance and consumes more energy than an electric LED fireplace. In addition, water must of course be topped up regularly, a water vapor fireplace consumes about 4 liters of water per day. In some cases, adding a little extra moisture to the atmosphere can be a plus.

The installation of a 수증기 벽난로 is also very simple. The water vapor Cassettes are available in different lengths, except that there must be some space around the fireplace so that it can suck in air, there are no special installation instructions.

게시 시간: 2022-07-06
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