How to DIY water vapor fireplace in room

How to use an ultrasonic mist module to make your own opti-myst fireplace
ご覧のように, 全て 水蒸気暖炉 has a really neat design. Despite their fancy name, ultrasonic fireplaces are not that complex. The technology rely on a simple mist maker module. In addition, these mist makers are easy to use. The ultrasonic module replacement part for Art Fireplace models can be relatively expansive. したがって, I would instead suggest you to buy cheaper mist makers that could easily get the job done for a fraction of the price. Please have a look at my previous post to learn more about these ultrasonic mist makers.
次, you need to make a reservoir to accommodate the mist maker. The design could be similar to the Art Fire fireplace video shown above. The next video by Old Ben is another example of a good configuration that you could use for this DIY 水蒸気暖炉. In this one, a small computer fan is also used to push the mist towards the LED lights to create the fake flame illusion.

How to build Art Vapor Fires insert
To make the fireplace insert, すでに市場で入手可能な市販のものを使用することもできます. Art Vapor Fire Team は、以上の期間インテリジェント火災に注力しています 10 品質と技術は信頼でき、大きな価値があります.
1.Prepare the housing with cutout exactlt to the specifications provided.10mm wider than the drawings for the housing.
アート蒸気暖炉を設置するには, ハウジングを作成する必要があります (暖炉のインサートを支える表面).
標準のボルトコンセントが必要です. (ハウジング内に最適な場所). システムには100/240Vが付属しています。 (50-60 ヘルツ) – 24V UL 認定電源アダプター (コンバータ).
他の蒸気火災システムとは異なります, Art Fire vapor fire works with a low voltage system, だからそれははるかに安全です.
4.Fill the tank with tap water (or hook up the system to plumbing)

ご覧のように, it is not that hard to build your own 水蒸気暖炉. もちろん, すべてをインストールするのにより多くの時間を費やすことになります.
So, 最終的に本当に価値があるのか? 良い, それはすべてあなたのクラフトスキルと予算に依存します.

We Recommand People buy the device first,and then make the constructions.
ご覧のように, All water vapor fireplace has a really neat design. Both Led and ULT are important.LED must be water proof and bright enough. ULT should have stainless steel materials body. Ultrasonic fireplaces are not too much complex. The technology rely on a mist maker module. In addition, these mist makers are easy to use. The mist makers need work under a good water quality.
一般的な結論,水蒸気人工暖炉はゲストを確実に楽しませるクールなガジェットです! これらの偽の暖炉の背後にある科学を説明することで、彼らを感動させることもできるようになりました。!

Art Fireplace Team are pleased to answer any questions about how to diy your water vapor fires. We have professional engineers and designers who own more than 15 years experiences to support you.

投稿時間: 2021-10-27