Etanól arinhellur í herbergi

ethanol fireplace mantels is a clean, græn leið til að koma eldi inn á heimili þitt án þess að þurfa að hafa áhyggjur af óþarfa mengun. This is insulated and fire rated so it can be placed directly against construction materials and solidly built into a wall. Þetta er frábært fyrir byggingar eða endurbætur á heimili, auk heimila sem hafa takmarkað gólfpláss.


It’s smooth finish, reliable design, and ethanol fireplace mantels in almost all indoor spaces. Lítið viðhald er krafist, sem gerir þér kleift að njóta arninum án þess að hafa áhyggjur af viðgerðum eða tíðum þrifum.

ethanol fireplace mantels works as a magnificent centerpiece or accent in any home thanks to is clean lines and zero pollution. It can be placed anywhere in the house since it requires no chimney, gas lines, or electric lines to function. This also means it requires little maintenance and can provide five hours of heat and burn time to any get-together with little work.

The fireplace is made of steel, stainless, and glass and is available with a steel or black finish to suit any modern design. It’s truly a contemporary design, featuring a polished metal square with clean and clear glass plates that guard the flames along the front and back of the open shape. The eye will be drawn to the crisp flames, which are reflected in the glass and add a beautiful shine to the steel bolts affixing the plates in place.

Heim: 2022-02-16