Kako rade vatre na vodenu paru?

Kamin na vodenu paru doesn't cost much to operate.
Radi na vodu iz slavine, a LED svjetla troše vrlo malo električne energije.
Postoje mnoge druge prednosti kamina na vodenu paru kao što su njihova niska potrošnja energije i ekološka prihvatljivost, ali bit je ovo: kamini na vodenu paru imaju zasljepljujući realizam plamena koji je konkurent plinu, sa sigurnošću i jednostavnošću električne.

How does an electric water vapor fireplace work
Produced by a “transducer” , the ultrasounds are mechanical waves that will vibrate water turning it into ultra-fine water vapor. This water vapour is propelled in several ways without the use of convection heating into specially adapted ducts. It should be noted that ultra-fine water vapor is immediately absorbed by the ambient air. The water vapor does not condense and does not produce moisture on adjacent walls. This is often referred to as dry water vapour.
Zatim,dissipated into the ambient air and illuminated by different kinds of LEDs .It is the subtle blend of three components, namely ultra-fine water vapor, the light from colored LEDs and the creation of different air pressures that allow real colored flames to be obtained with so much realism.


Vatra bez vode bez vode AFW150 ; Vatra bez vode bez vode AFW100 ;

Vrijeme objave: 2021-12-09