• Novi višebojni 3D kamin s vodenom maglom

    ArtFireplace New Multiple Color 3D Water Mist Fireplace Water Vapor Fireplace is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional, realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. The flame illusion is created with the help of fine water mist and LED lights that reflect off of it. These fireplaces don’t require fuel and are also totally green. Since only water mist is produced, there is no toxic emissions of carbon dioxide nor does it produce soot. Because of that, they don’t require a lot of maintenance and are easy to install. U Dodatku, the water vapor fireplaces don’t produce any heat and can be used even when it’s hot outside. Even though their general principle remains the same, there are…
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    SO MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN ETHANOL FIREPLACE A traditional fireplace created a hole in a home’s roof, s brzim gubitkom topline i izgaranjem drva nije praktična - ili zdrava - opcija za mnoge koji žive u područjima s ograničenjima paljenja ili izravnim zabranama kamina. Kamin na etanol postaje najbolja opcija za ljude koji žele toplinu i ugođaj kamina. Ovi kamini stvaraju toplinu, ali ne zahtijevaju odzračivanje i ne zahtijevaju dimnjak. Stvarno besplatan element dizajna za urbani i tradicionalni dizajn. Kamin je izrađen od čelika, nehrđajući, i staklo te je dostupan s čeličnom ili crnom završnom obradom kako bi odgovarao svakom modernom dizajnu. This embodies…
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  • Posebni dizajni sa stropnim kaminom na etanol

    Add a high-end fireplace to your designs - With a ceiling mounted ethanol fireplace A fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. With new design elements gaining popularity, it’s no problem to find a fireplace that not only fits your budget but also blends seamlessly into your decor. Of course, with so many designs to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start, so it’s important to really evaluate your needs. In this way, you can be sure of making an investment that will make you happy and keep you warm and cozy for years to come. Not only does a contemporary fireplace instantly become a breathtaking focal point for any room, but with new…
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  • Najbolji 3D kamini na vodenu paru 2023

    Najbolji 3D kamini na vodenu paru 2023 What creates comfort in the house? Of course, first of all, it is a calm atmosphere, as well as a lovely interior or its individual items. Various style techniques and room elements create an atmosphere of beauty and comfort at home. The fireplace has become an integral part of the room, around which harmony and a sense of the warmth of home are created. Every year, the popularity of water vapor fireplaces increases. This is an electrical device that has a built-in water steam generator. Its ability to simulate a real fire in the hearth, little different from the real one, increases its interest and demand. They are able to create a very…
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  • Kupnja ručnog ili automatskog umetka za vatru na etanol

    If you are looking for an efficient and economical fireplace, ethanol for fireplaces will turn out to be the best choice for you. They are environmentally friendly and have better longevity in comparison to other fireplaces. Ethanol Fireplace inserts operate largely the same as regular ethanol fireplaces. The main difference to look out for is whether you’re purchasing a manual or automatic ethanol insert. Manual ethanol fireplace inserts are typically used in outdoor settings, so you won’t have to worry about the elements and their impact on electronic parts. With a manual fireplace insert, you’ll add fuel, use a lighter to ignite the flames, and then manually adjust the burner to choose the flame height or intensity. Turning off the…
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  • Elegantni moderni inteligentni kamin na etanol s daljinskim upravljačem

    Stylish Modern Intelligent Ethanol Fireplace With Remote There are not many dangers to having ethanol burners in your home, they’re relatively safe. But if the fuel is spilled and caught on fire, that would be cause for concern. But if you make sure to invest in a quality ethanol burner, one designed to prevent tipping and spilling, then you will be fine. While we would love to say that there are no cons to having ethanol fireplaces in your home, just many, many pros, that would be a lie. Just like everything in this world, there are positives as well as negatives to any product or situation.Here, we’ll outline the basic pros and cons of ethanol fireplaces so you can…
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  • Prednosti 3D vodeno-parnih kamina

    Neki ljudi gledaju pepeo, dim, i emisije ugljičnog dioksida živih kamina kao nedostatak i umjesto toga odlučite se za druge opcije. U Art-Fireplaceu, Novi lijepi kamin daje sjaj, topao ambijent u svakoj prostoriji, Dom, ili posao s 3D vodenim parnim kaminom. Što je 3D kamin na vodenu paru? A 3D water steam fireplace is a type of electric fireplace that uses water vapor to create the illusion of flames. Kamini koriste stvaraoce magle za pretvaranje vode u paru. Ventilatori zatim potiskuju paru kroz komoru koja sadrži LED svjetlo. LED svjetla rade tako da reflektiraju vodenu maglu i stvaraju efekt poput plamena. The steam is then circulated through the fireplace…
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  • Razlika između električnog kamina i električne vatre na vodenu paru

    Čini se da ovih dana sve više i više uređaja postaje 'pametno'. Od televizora do hladnjaka, aparati i uređaji dolaze sa sve više značajki i tehnologije. Ako želite biti dio jednog od najpopularnijih trendova dizajna interijera ove godine, onda morate pogledati električni kamin. Na tržištu postoji mnogo vrsta kamina, tako da možete odabrati svoj omiljeni kamin prema potrebama okoliša. Kamin se može podijeliti u dvije kategorije. Električni kamin koji koristi efekte plamena i izvor topline i električni kamin na vodenu paru koji koristi vodu pokazuju učinak izgaranja. Kamin na vodenu paru je umjetni električni kamin koji koristi vodenu maglu i LED diode za stvaranje realistične iluzije plamena. These…
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  • Razlike između ručnog paljenja etanola i inteligentnog paljenja etanola

    If you are looking for lifelike flames, go for electric fireplace inserts that run on bio ethanol fires.Compared with the traditional wood burning fireplace,Uvođenje ložišta na bioetanol omogućilo je postavljanje kamina gotovo posvuda i bez ventilacije, dimnjak, dim, čađe ili skupog održavanja. bez pepela, no noise, bez mirisa, no need chimney, easy to install and use. Od tad, tehnologija i sigurnost su se razvile, a danas imamo dvije vrste požara na bioetanol: Manual and Automatic electric bio ethanol burners. Electronic ethanol burners are a step up from manual ethanol burners. Automatic ethanol burners can be operated with a remote control, control panel or even your smartphone and smart home system. These…
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  • Zašto biram kamin na etanol za dom

    Why I Choose Ethanol Fireplace For Home In the last decade, ethanol fireplaces have been on the rise as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fireplaces. it is a good choice for many interior Designs for home owners, Designers, Architecturers etc...They burn cleaner, produce less smoke and are generally more efficient. In addition to that, they come in a variety of styles and designs to fit any room. Ethanol fireplaces use ethanol as fuel instead of gas or wood logs. The ethanol is poured into a metal container at the bottom of the fireplace which heats up and burns creating a flame.There are many reasons why I love my ethanol fireplace: One of the main reasons is that…
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