Why choose an Manual ethanol fireplace

The alcohol fireplace is a kind of ventless fireplace, dy't biomassa ethanol alkohol brûkt as brânstofboarne. Jo kinne in protte soarten fan sokke apparaten binnen en bûten brûke. Sûnt se net nedich skoarstien of gas pipen, dizze handige apparaten kinne wurde ferpleatst nei elk plak jo wolle. It brûken fan in alkoholkachel binnen of bûten is sa maklik as it ljochtsjen fan in wedstriid. Alcohol fjoerplakapparaten binne oer it algemien frij feilich, mar it is ek wichtich om te brûken fireplaces en bewarje brânstof as rjochte.

Benefits of a Manual Bioethanol Burner

1.No power or cables are required and it can be mounted everywhere.Manual bioethanol burners and fireplaces can be installed and placed freely, because they do not require any power or other cable connection, nor does it need a chimney, vent or flue. The only factor to consider is which size you want the burner to have.However, you, of course, still need to be aware of general fire hazards and safety distances. You can read about safety distances in our guide on the subject.

2.Manual bioethanol burners are cheap Bio ethanol fires have existed for some years, with the manufacturers continuously optimising the production costs. Furthermore, the manual burners does not require any digital technology, and this means that the prices of manual bio fireplaces are quite low at this point.

Post tiid: 2021-12-10