Millised on materjalid tõeliste tulekollete jaoks? What's the difference?

A real fire fireplace is a heating device made of wood-burning materials. Paigaldamisel, on vaja paigaldada korstna tugikomponendid, seega on hoone põhinõue korstna paigaldamise võimalus. Hetkel, tõelised kaminad paigaldatakse peamiselt iseseisvatesse hoonetesse, näiteks villadesse, linnamajad, kodumajutus, ja ise ehitatud maju.

Tõelised kaminad jagunevad sisseehitatud kaminateks ja vabalt seisvateks päris kaminateks. Tõelistes kaminates on peamiselt kolm materjali, nimelt terasplekist kaminad, malmist kaminad, ja terasplaat + voolukivist kaminad. Sisseehitatud kaminad on tavaliselt jagatud kahte vormi: puhas terasplaadimaterjal ja ahju terasplaadi materjal + ahjuukse malmist materjal. Free-standing stoves are generally made of pure cast iron, a combination of pure steel and steel + soapstone.

The steel plate material has better forming technology, so the shape of the steel plate fireplace is more modern, but the disadvantage of the steel plate material is that after the furnace is turned off, the furnace will cool down quickly, and the effect of continuous heat release can not be achieved!

cast iron material can release heat slowly, so after the furnace is turned off, it can continue to release heat for a long time to maintain the room temperature.

In order to solve the disadvantages of steel plate fireplaces, a type of fireplace with soapstone material added to the outside of the steel plate fireplace appeared. Soapstone absorbs heat when heated, and slowly releases heat after the furnace is turned off!

Ventilatsioonitu etanoolipõleti AF80 ; Biokütusepõleti sisend AF100 ; Nutikas etanoolipõleti AF120

Postitamise aeg: 2021-06-13