¿Qué es la chimenea de vapor de agua??

Advantages of Art Water stream Fires.
A chimenea de vapor de agua is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. This is a new technology of artificial fires that only use water and therefore are totally safe, do not generate carbon monoxide and are a green alternative to conventional wood burning fireplaces.Of course, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. But on the positive side you can use it all summer long!
These artificial fires use an ultrasonic mist maker to generate cool mist. The mist maker module consists of a ceramic disk vibrating at ultrasonic frequencies. These vibrations create water droplets that reflect the light produced by the LEDs. pero este combustible se quema mucho más eficientemente y no tendrá que usar tanto para mantener la llama encendida, they create an unbelievably realistic artificial flame illusion.
Water mist fireplaces can also be used as a humidifier to keep the space suitable for skin and breath.
And with multipled functions,such as multiple colors,music players,color-music mixed functions etc.

Art Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires.Both Bio ethanol Fires and Water Mist Fires.
Utilizamos una entrada de 24 V de bajo voltaje para los dispositivos.,y placa superior de acero inoxidable con diferentes colores,cualquier solicitud personalizada está disponible.
Es fácil de instalar y operar los dispositivos..
Todos los dispositivos vienen con repuestos para reemplazo. Es fácil cambiar los LED y los generadores de vapor..

Fun Facts about Chimeneas de vapor de agua.
Water Vapor Fireplace is one of the best alternatives to traditional wood or gas fireplaces for several reasons:
1.Water Vapor Fireplace has the most realistic flame imitation out of all other alternative fireplace types.
2.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't produce any harmful emissions keeping your air clean.
3.The "fuego" of Water Vapor Fireplace is cool to the touch making it safe for kids, pets, and for installation in crowded commercial spaces.
4.Water Vapor Fireplace has a huge number of installation options because it doesn't need venting or clearances and the 3D flame can be open on from sides.
5.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate. It runs on tap water and LED lights consume very little electricity.
There are many other benefits of water vapor fireplaces like their low energy consumption and environmental-friendliness but the bottom line is this: water vapor fireplaces feature dazzling flame realism that rivals gas, con la seguridad y sencillez de la electricidad.

Como puedes ver, no es tan difícil construir su propia chimenea de vapor de agua. Seguro, pasarás más tiempo instalando todo.Entonces, ¿Realmente vale la pena al final?? Bien, todo depende de tus habilidades artesanales y tu presupuesto.

Fuego de vapor de agua sin ventilación AFW 80 ; Fuego de vapor de agua sin ventilación AFW150 ;

Fuego de vapor de agua sin ventilación AFW100 ; Fuego de vapor de agua sin ventilación AFW120

Hora de publicación: 2021-10-26