
  • 3D Elektrikli Su Buxarlı Şömine ilə Müasir İnteryer Dizaynları

    Modern Interior Designs Trendy With Electric 3D Water Vapor Fireplaces It is a trendy that Modern fireplaces are a welcome addition to any room. Bəli, a fireplace should be cozy, so you might be thinking that modern design is too cold and stark an environment for fireplaces—but the second you lay eyes on the striking fireplaces ahead, you'll see why…
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  • Evinizi Zəngin İstilik və Rahatlıq Hissi ilə Dizayn Edin

    Design Your House With A Rich Sense Of Warmth And Comfort What’s the difference between a free-standing fireplace and a ceiling-mounted fireplace? The primary difference between a free-standing fireplace and a recessed bio-ethanol ceiling fireplace is that one product is portable, and the other is mounted to your ceiling.If you’re looking for a fireplace that is easy to install, and…
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  • 3D Opti myst şömine zərif və rahatlıq əlavə edir

    3D Opti Myst Fireplace Adds An Elegant And Comfortable atmosphere to your home Built-in electric fireplaces are very cool and elegant. They make a great addition to any home, workplace or bar/restaurant. They differ from wall mounted fireplaces since they are essentially implanted right into the wall and don’t stick out at all. If you’re looking for a fireplace without…
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    SO MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN ETHANOL FIREPLACE A traditional fireplace created a hole in a home’s roof, with quick heat loss and the burning of wood isn’t a practical — or healthy — option for many who live in areas with burning restrictions or outright fireplace bans. An ethanol fireplace becomes the best option for people who want…
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  • Tavana quraşdırılmış etanol şömine ilə xüsusi dizaynlar

    Add a high-end fireplace to your designs - With a ceiling mounted ethanol fireplace A fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. With new design elements gaining popularity, it’s no problem to find a fireplace that not only fits your budget but also blends seamlessly into your decor. Of course, with so many designs to choose from, it…
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  • Unikal və Eleqant Daxili Şömine

    İncəsənət Şömine əlavələri ən yaxşı və asan həlldir, istərsə də bütün həll kimi korpuslu bir əlavə istəsəniz. Müxtəlif uzunluqlarla, və şöminənin seçilmiş tərəflərdən görünə bilən korpuslarının varyasyonları. As our ethanol fireplaces have clean combustion – no chimney or flue required – the installation costs are low. You can enjoy real flames…
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  • Alov illüziyasını yaratmaq üçün sudan istifadə edən yeni texnologiya

    A Water Vapor Fireplace is an electric fireplace featuring the most realistic fake flame. This revolutionary ultrasonic technology is used to create the effect of flame and smoke.The is a type of appliance that uses water to create the illusion of flames. The device typically consists of a chamber that holds water and a vapor maker. When the vapor maker is…
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  • Qabaqcıl etanol şömine mütəxəssislərinə xoş gəlmisiniz

    Ethanol Fireplaces is your modern fireplace superstore where you can find ethanol fuel for fireplaces, gel fuel for your fireplace, and indoor- modern tabletop fireplaces. Art Fireplace as a leader for intelligent ethanol fires and 3D water vapor fires since 2008, we are not Just a Trader, But also a Manufacturer. We take pride in our selection of bio ethanol…
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  • Eviniz üçün Ən Yaxşı Elektrik Şömini seçin

    The trend toward energy efficiency has created innovation on a variety of fronts, and the fireplace is a prime target for reinvention, with its historically poor energy performance and high particulate emissions. A traditional fireplace created a hole in a home’s roof, with quick heat loss and the burning of wood isn’t a practical — or healthy — option for…
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  • Art 3D Su Buxarı Şömini quraşdırın

    A water vapor fireplace is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. This is a new technology of artificial fireplaces that only use water and therefore are totally safe, do not generate carbon monoxide and are a green alternative to conventional wood burning fireplaces. Of course, you can’t use a water…
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  • Etanol Şömine Mantel ilə bəzəyin

    Bio ethanol is the sole source of power for Ethanol fireplaces. It is clean burning and virtually odorless. This is why irritating smoke, ember or ash are absent when these fireplaces are running. Ethanol fireplaces are extremely easy to install, one of the main reasons being because you don’t need any utility connections, flues, or chimneys. Do ethanol fireplace inserts? Ethanol…
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  • Təhlükəsiz və Asan Su Buxarı Yanğınları: heç suyun yanan gördünüzmü?

    A beautiful fireplace adds a glow, a warm ambiance to any room, home, or business. Some people view the ash, smoke, and carbon emissions of live fireplaces as a drawback and opt for other options instead. The water vapor fireplaces have colorful cold flames that are cool to the touch. Ultrafine cold flames water vapor fireplace with no danger or…
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  • Alovla tənzimlənən etanol şömine

    Looking for new Adjustable Flame Ethanol Fireplaces? Luckily, the Art-Fireplace Adjustable Flame Ethanol Fireplaces along with plenty of home decor, accessories, and furnishings so you can personalize your home to your unique style. Shop from the latest trends to create an oasis in your home with your favorite mix of styles, fabrics, textures, features and more that will bring comfort,…
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  • Gözəl Alov Manual Etanol Yandırıcısı

    l known that as an ethanol heater, gel fuel fireplace, bio flame fireplace, ethanol burner, or bio fuel fireplace , the structure of an Manual Ethanol fireplace is comprised of stainless steel made from an efficient burner tray, top-quality protective screen, and cover or cowling. Carbon dioxide, steam, and heat are the only combustion byproducts of ethanol heaters, meaning there is…
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  • Dekorativ buxar şömine - soyuq alovlarla atəşin yeni görünüşü

    Use Pure Water as Fuel ArtFireplace 3D water vapor fireplace use pure water as fuel instead of wood and gas. It has many advantages such as environmental protectionhealthhumidity cationmulti-color lightingHigh flame and etc. Multi flame color ArtFireplace 3D water vapor fireplace has built-in multi-color LED light bar,which can simulate varies of color flames, such as fire red, fire yellow, green, blue, purple etc.,Support remote and…
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  • Su buxarlı şömine necə işləyir?

    To understand how it works, it’s essential to know what goes into a water vapor fireplace system and how they work together to give you your simulated fire experience. Let’s look at the components of a water vapor fireplace and how they work to create your desired environment. Water vapor fireplaces run on water and electricity. The reservoir is a…
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  • Yeni Texnologiya real görünən süni alovlar yaradır

    There are many fireplaces on the market that do not have realistic-looking flames. Lakin, with new technology advances, this is slowly changing. We’ll show you which modern electric fireplaces look like the real thing with the most realistic flames. There are a lot of fake fireplaces on the market. Some of them appear to be extremely real, while others don’t.…
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  • Su buxarlı şöminelərin üstünlüyü

    Yanğın ilkindir. Heç-heçədir, zamansız. Müraciətdir, sonsuz. Hələ klassik yanğın mənbələri - odun, qaz - deyil. Art-Fire yanğının gələcəyini yenidən təsəvvür edir, otağı müəyyən edən şömine estetikası ilə, zəngin resurslarla təmin edilir, təhlükəsiz və bərpa olunan. Və bu, ətraf mühitə çox az və ya heç bir təsir göstərməsə də - Art-Fire-ın yandığı hər məkanda vizual təsir ölçüyəgəlməzdir. What if…
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  • 3D Su Buxarlı Şömine Qızdırıla bilərmi?, Və Xüsusiyyətləri və Üstünlükləri Nələrdir?

    3D su buxarlı elektrik kamininin əsas funksiyası dekorativdir, atmosferi təqdim edir, istilik funksiyası olmadan. Bunun səbəbi şöminənin prinsipindən başlamaqdır. Art 3D su buxarlı elektrik kamininin prinsipi duman yaratmaq üçün ultrasəs dalğalarından istifadə etməkdir., düzgün axını dizayn edin, and then project the light as…
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  • Müxtəlif fəsillərdə elektrik şömine

    Elektrikli kamin: Art-Fire Art-Fire kaminlərə tamamilə yeni bir məna verir - əvvəllər heç vaxt yaşamadığınız kimi yanğını yaşayın! Art-Fire, gözlərinizi ondan ala bilməyəcəyiniz gözəl alovlu davamlı elektrik dekorativ kamindir.. Art-Fire bacasız yüksək texnologiyalı elektrik kaminidir, ona görə də onu istədiyiniz yerdə yerləşdirə bilərsiniz. You…
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    Water Vapor Fireplaces are ventless fireplaces with realistic flames. It is made with fine water mist, LED lights and reflective light. 5 FUN FACTS ON WATER VAPOR FIREPLACES Water Vapor Fireplaces offer a superior alternative to traditional gas or wood fireplaces. They offer the most realistic flame imitation among all alternative fireplace types. They don’t produce harmful emissions, so your air…
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