በነበልባል ቁጥጥር የሚደረግባቸው የኢታኖል ምድጃዎች

ከባህላዊ የእንጨት ማገዶዎች ብዙ ርቀት ተጉዘናል ነገር ግን ዛሬ ከመቼውም ጊዜ የበለጠ አማራጮች አሉ. ከኤሌክትሪክ መሰኪያ እና አጫውት ወደ ቀላል ጅምር የተፈጥሮ ጋዝ እስከ ንፁህ የሚቃጠል ባዮ-ኢታኖል. ዕድሎች ማለቂያ የለሽ ናቸው።! So, ከጥቂት የሚያብረቀርቁ እሳቶች አጠገብ የፍቅር ግንኙነት ለመመሥረት ወይም በሚያገሣ ነበልባል ፊት ለፊት መጽሐፍ ለመደሰት እየፈለጉ እንደሆነ, ለዚያ የእሳት ምድጃ አለ እና ለእርስዎ አግኝተናል!

The new flame controlled ethanol fireplaces can bring a totally different new experience to your home in terms of combining the advantages of the former ethanol fireplaces.

የጥበብ ፋየር ቦታ ቡድን ትኩረት ለበለጠ ኢንተለጀንት ኢታኖል ቃጠሎ 10 years and we have rich experiences about intelligent fireplaces.

With An Art Ethanol Fireplace,the flames of ethanol fires can be regulated easily via A remote Controller.

The ethanol fireplaces can freely control the height of the flame, just by remote control,even the most meticulous individuals will be able to choose an ethanol burner that would match his or her requirements. You will be happy to find out that you can operate some ethanol burners by using a remote control.

Ethanol burners are quite simple; they do not have fancy designs. These burners are designed to simply do their job, which is to provide maximum coziness. One of the best things about ethanol burners is how flexible they are. You can place them almost anywhere without any hassle. You can easily replace worn out burners or traditional wood-burning fireplaces with an ethanol burner. Once you get creative, you will find endless possibilities for using an ethanol burner.

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የልጥፍ ጊዜ: 2022-06-10
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