
Intelligent Ethanol Fire

一个 Intelligent Ethanol Fire is not just a small classy decorative object. 由于不需要放置通风口, 它为设计师提供了完全的自由。如果您想安装壁炉作为主要的取暖方式, 智能乙醇火适合您。它们提供温暖, 可以使任何房间更具吸引力, 并为任何场合提供良好的氛围. 当然, 它产生火焰, 因此热量. 然而, 这个壁炉更适合用作寒冷的春季或秋季的间歇热源。即使在寒冷的天气里,家庭供暖系统总是降低能源成本。智能乙醇火提供创新, 简单易用且安全的解决方案,打造您的现代消防空间, 没有任何约束.

These characteristics are the framework of the Intelligent Ethanol Fire remote ignition design bio ethanol burner inserts and designer fireplaces. Intelligent ethanol fire also has the following features
乙醇是一种高度可燃物质,因此始终将壁炉的燃料箱保持紧闭非常重要. 所以, intelligent ethanol fire is safer than traditional fireplaces.
2.Intelligent ethanol fire is healthier while generating heat.
产生热量, Intelligent Ethanol Fire burn fuel. Intelligent Ethanol Fire work just like most types of wood-burning fireplaces.The only difference here is that ethanol does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide as the wood fireplace. 实际上, 平均大小的乙醇壁炉产生的二氧化碳量非常少,使用这种类型的壁炉时不需要安装烟囱或烟道.
3.Intelligent ethanol fire makes installation easier.
运作良好, Intelligent Ethanol Fire need to have an enclosure to house the fire source and a fuel tank to hold the ethanol. Intelligent Ethanol Fire can be stationary or portable. Most types of stationary Intelligent Ethanol Fire are mounted against the walls while portable Intelligent Ethanol Fire look more like small stoves with enclosures to house the fire.

发表时间: 2021-12-28