
电动乙醇壁炉 uses bioethanol to produce heat and flames. 它不需要烟囱,因为它不会散发烟灰或产生灰烬. 它有一个燃烧器,可以有不同的形状和尺寸. 燃烧器是装有生物乙醇的容器. 点亮时, 水, 热量和二氧化碳被释放到室内.

电动乙醇壁炉 Pros:


因为安装烟囱需要大量的工作和专业知识, 如此多的房主选择了乙醇壁炉. 它使用生物乙醇,因此不排放烟雾,不产生灰烬. 火焰很干净,因此不需要通风口. 它不会发出危险的粒子. The emissions are composed of water, 热量和少量二氧化碳. 产生的二氧化碳量是安全的,与 2 蜡烛. This is very eco friendly as the carbon dioxide is released back into the environment and are used by plants for photosynthesis.

2.It produces real flames:

乙醇壁炉架 has become a great preference by many homes because it produces real flames that move slowly as they burn. An ethanol fireplace produces about 2-3 kW which is a good amount of heat. Since there is no flue, there is also no heat loss. This means the heat produced is distributed evenly around the home.

3.Easy installation and usage:

Installing an ethanol fireplace doesn't require some great form of expertise. 安装非常简单. 您甚至可以在顺利完成安装过程后自行安装. 因此它没有压力. 这也很容易做到. 您只需安装独立式模型. 内置的也很容易安装. It is also very easy to use as you only need to light the fire using a lighter. They can be installed anywhere from the bedroom, 浴室和客厅到餐厅和露台. 桌面乙醇壁炉便于户外使用,因为它们可以轻松地从一个地方移动到另一个地方.

Everything You Need to Know About electric ethanol fireplace-Art-fire


发表时间: 2022-01-12