
An Electric 乙醇壁炉 can be a fantastic addition to a home. 随着新的设计元素越来越受欢迎, 找到一个不仅适合您的预算而且可以无缝融入您的装饰的壁炉是没有问题的. 当然, 有这么多设计可供选择, 可能很难知道从哪里开始, 所以真正评估你的需求很重要. 这样, 您可以确保进行一项让您快乐并让您在未来几年保持温暖和舒适的投资.

现代乙醇壁炉不仅立即成为任何房间的惊人焦点, 但随着能源效率的新进展, 他们从未如此划算. Many people are choosing to go with direct-vent fireplaces, or have direct-vent inserts placed in their existing fireplaces. These direct vents remove the combustible elements of a fire while still retaining warmth and radiating heat. They are a great, eco-friendly way to get the most out of your fireplace. The best part is, they work with just about any design!

If you’ve been looking for a commanding way to update any room in your home, a new electric ethanol fireplace is a fantastic place to start. They aren’t just for living rooms anymore, either. It’s becoming quite popular to have fireplaces in the kitchen, the bedroom, even home offices. Really, a fireplace will work in any space you spend a lot of time living in.

Among the best in Art ethanol fireplace designs, 通常 Art Fireplace Remote Controlled Electronic Bio Ethanol Burner Insert is favored by architects, 承包商和高端设计师,并为挑剔的客户提供前所未有的质量和安全. 除了与手动乙醇壁炉插件相同的无排气口和清洁燃烧火焰, this Art-Fireplace bio ethanol fire offers much more for both residential and commercial applications: 遥控功能. 车载安全监控. 坚固的结构. Separate Fuel Reservoir and Burner Tray etc...

发表时间: 2022-05-11