
  • 新型多色 3D 水雾壁炉

    ArtFireplace New Multiple Color 3D Water Mist Fireplace Water Vapor Fireplace is a ventless fireplace with 3-dimensional, realistic flames that you can touch without burning your hand. The flame illusion is created with the help of fine water mist and LED lights that reflect off of it. 这些壁炉不需要燃料,而且完全是绿色的. 由于只产生水雾, 没有有毒的二氧化碳排放,也不会产生烟灰. 正因为如此, 它们不需要大量维护并且易于安装. 此外, 水蒸气壁炉不会产生任何热量,即使外面很热也可以使用. 尽管它们的一般原则保持不变, there are…
  • 乙醇壁炉提供多种选择

    SO MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN ETHANOL FIREPLACE A traditional fireplace created a hole in a home’s roof, 对于许多生活在有燃烧限制或完全禁止使用壁炉的地区的人来说,快速散热和木材燃烧不是一个实用的——或健康的——选择. An ethanol fireplace becomes the best option for people who want the warmth and ambiance of a fireplace. 这些壁炉产生热量, 但不需要通风,也不需要烟道. A really free design element for urban and traditional designs both. The fireplace is made of steel, stainless, and glass and is available with a steel or black finish to suit any modern design. This embodies…
  • 带天花板安装乙醇壁炉的特殊设计

    Add a high-end fireplace to your designs - With a ceiling mounted ethanol fireplace A fireplace can be a fantastic addition to a home. 随着新的设计元素越来越受欢迎, 找到一个不仅适合您的预算而且可以无缝融入您的装饰的壁炉是没有问题的. 当然, 有这么多设计可供选择, 可能很难知道从哪里开始, 所以真正评估你的需求很重要. 这样, 您可以确保进行一项让您快乐并让您在未来几年保持温暖和舒适的投资. Not only does a contemporary fireplace instantly become a breathtaking focal point for any room, but with new…
  • 最好的 3D 水蒸气壁炉 2023

    最好的 3D 水蒸气壁炉 2023 What creates comfort in the house? 当然, first of all, it is a calm atmosphere, as well as a lovely interior or its individual items. Various style techniques and room elements create an atmosphere of beauty and comfort at home. The fireplace has become an integral part of the room, around which harmony and a sense of the warmth of home are created. Every year, the popularity of water vapor fireplaces increases. This is an electrical device that has a built-in water steam generator. Its ability to simulate a real fire in the hearth, little different from the real one, increases its interest and demand. They are able to create a very…
  • 购买手动或自动乙醇灭火器

    如果您正在寻找高效经济的壁炉, ethanol for fireplaces will turn out to be the best choice for you. 与其他壁炉相比,它们环保且使用寿命更长. Ethanol Fireplace inserts operate largely the same as regular ethanol fireplaces. The main difference to look out for is whether you’re purchasing a manual or automatic ethanol insert. Manual ethanol fireplace inserts are typically used in outdoor settings, so you won’t have to worry about the elements and their impact on electronic parts. With a manual fireplace insert, you’ll add fuel, use a lighter to ignite the flames, and then manually adjust the burner to choose the flame height or intensity. Turning off the…
  • 带遥控器的时尚现代智能乙醇壁炉

    Stylish Modern Intelligent Ethanol Fireplace With Remote There are not many dangers to having ethanol burners in your home, they’re relatively safe. But if the fuel is spilled and caught on fire, that would be cause for concern. But if you make sure to invest in a quality ethanol burner, one designed to prevent tipping and spilling, then you will be fine. While we would love to say that there are no cons to having ethanol fireplaces in your home, just many, many pros, that would be a lie. Just like everything in this world, there are positives as well as negatives to any product or situation.Here, we’ll outline the basic pros and cons of ethanol fireplaces so you can…
  • 3D 水蒸汽壁炉的好处

    有人看灰, 抽烟, 活壁炉的碳排放是一个缺点,并选择其他选择。在 Art-Fireplace, 新的漂亮壁炉增添了光彩, 为任何房间营造温暖的氛围, 家, 或与 3D 水蒸汽壁炉开展业务. 什么是3D水蒸汽壁炉? A 3D water steam fireplace is a type of electric fireplace that uses water vapor to create the illusion of flames. 壁炉使用造雾机将水转化为蒸汽. 然后,蒸汽在风扇的作用下通过装有 LED 灯的腔室. LED 灯通过反射水雾来产生火焰般的效果. The steam is then circulated through the fireplace…
  • 电壁炉和电水汽火的区别

    这些天似乎越来越多的电器变得“智能”了. 从电视到冰箱, 电器和设备的功能和技术越来越多。如果您想成为今年最热门的室内设计趋势之一, then you need to look at Electric fireplace. There are many kinds of fireplaces on the market, so you can choose your favorite fireplace according to the environmental needs. Fireplace can be divided into two categories. Electric Fireplace using flames effects and a heat source and electric water vapor fireplace using water show combustion effect. 水蒸气壁炉是一种人造电壁炉,它使用水雾和 LED 来创造逼真的火焰幻觉. 这些…
  • 手动乙醇火灾和智能乙醇火灾的区别

    If you are looking for lifelike flames, go for electric fireplace inserts that run on bio ethanol fires.Compared with the traditional wood burning fireplace,生物乙醇火的引入使得几乎可以在任何地方放置壁炉并且没有任何通风, 烟道, 抽烟, 烟灰或昂贵的维护. 没有灰, no noise, 我们所说的壁炉芯通常是指电动3d壁炉芯, no need chimney, easy to install and use. 自那时候起, 技术和安全性已经发展, 今天我们有两种类型的生物乙醇火灾: Manual and Automatic electric bio ethanol burners. Electronic ethanol burners are a step up from manual ethanol burners. Automatic ethanol burners can be operated with a remote control, control panel or even your smartphone and smart home system. 这些…
  • 为什么我选择家用乙醇壁炉

    Why I Choose Ethanol Fireplace For Home In the last decade, ethanol fireplaces have been on the rise as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fireplaces. it is a good choice for many interior Designs for home owners, Designers, Architecturers etc...They burn cleaner, produce less smoke and are generally more efficient. In addition to that, they come in a variety of styles and designs to fit any room. Ethanol fireplaces use ethanol as fuel instead of gas or wood logs. The ethanol is poured into a metal container at the bottom of the fireplace which heats up and burns creating a flame.There are many reasons why I love my ethanol fireplace: One of the main reasons is that…