
我知道作为乙醇加热器, 凝胶燃料壁炉, 生物火焰壁炉, 乙醇燃烧器, 或生物燃料壁炉 , the structure of an Manual Ethanol fireplace is comprised of stainless steel made from an efficient burner tray, 优质保护屏, 和盖子或整流罩. 二氧化碳, 蒸汽, 和热量是乙醇加热器的唯一燃烧副产品, 意味着不需要室外通风或烟道.

如果您正在寻找高效经济的壁炉, Manual Ethanol fireplaces will turn out to be the best choice for you. 与其他壁炉相比,它们环保且使用寿命更长.

生物乙醇是手动乙醇壁炉的唯一动力来源. 它燃烧干净,几乎无味. 这就是刺激性烟雾的原因, 这些壁炉运行时没有余烬或灰烬. Manual Ethanol fireplaces are extremely easy to install, 主要原因之一是因为您不需要任何公用设施连接, 烟道, 或烟囱.


Our mechanical combustion blocks allow a simplified and uncompromising integration. They ensure the longest possible combustion time and always natural golden flames, 市场上最漂亮的. 我们保证我们的技术是从壁炉到乙醇的行业中最安全的解决方案. 火焰与生物乙醇储存区没有直接接触.

About Art Fireplace Technology --

自从 2007 The ArtFireplace has been creating unique, 环保的, 乙醇壁炉. ArtFireplace Team designers and engineers have continued to set the highest standards of bio ethanol burning fireplaces in the industry with custom designs and record breaking innovations. The ArtFireplace has gained great popularity among home builders, 酒店/度假村和设计师.

发表时间: 2022-09-21