哪種加熱效果更好, 電壁爐或空調?

作為家用電熱器具, 電壁爐具有清潔的特點, 安全性和可靠性, 方便的裝卸, 燃燒利用率高. 與燃木和燃氣壁爐相比, 電壁爐不會有無法預測的煙塵, 火焰燃燒時產生奇怪的氣味和噪音; 電壁爐不僅可以節省取暖費用, 而且帶來優雅的觀賞效果. 方便地享受電壁爐帶來的溫暖和舒適. 輕觸開關, 神奇的火焰效果將立即顯示. 安裝方便, 絢麗的火焰將為您的家居裝飾帶來美好的心情. 電壁爐的使用和安裝也非常簡單, 無需複雜的準備工作, as long as the fireplace is plugged into the home power supply. There is no high temperature on the surface of the electric fireplace, which is very safe for children and the elderly.
Air conditioner is also called air conditioner (air conditioner). Refers to the process of using artificial means to adjust and control the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, speed and other parameters of the ambient air in the building/structure. 一般來說, it includes cold source/heat source equipment, cold and hot medium transmission and distribution system, terminal equipment and other auxiliary equipment. It mainly includes water pumps, fans and pipeline systems. The terminal device is responsible for using the cold and heat from the transmission and distribution to specifically process the air to meet the air parameters of the target environment. The air conditioner has poor heating effect, the indoor temperature rises slowly, and the indoor air is dry and uncomfortable. When the room temperature is below -10°C, the air conditioner loses its heating capacity and cannot achieve the required heating effect. Compared with this, the heating effect of electric fireplace is better.

發佈時間: 2020-07-29