
A water vapor fireplace is an artificial electric fireplace that uses water mist and LEDs to create a realistic flame illusion. This is a new technology of artificial fireplaces that only use water and therefore are totally safe, do not generate carbon monoxide and are a green alternative to conventional wood burning fireplaces. Of course, you can’t use a water vapor fireplace for heating. But on the positive side you can use it all year long!

A beautiful fireplace adds a glow, 為任何房間營造溫暖的氛圍, home, or business. 有些人看到灰燼, 抽煙, and carbon emissions of live fireplaces as a drawback and opt for other options instead.

If you want to add water vapor fires to your interior designs, you should know the fireplace in advance to make sure the best fire appearance.To make sure the 3D vapor fireplace insert can be installed properly, you could simply use commercial ones already available on the market.Art Vapor Fireplace Team Focus on Intelligent Fires with more than 10 years experiences.The quality and Technology are reliable with great value.

How to Install Art 3D Vapor Fires?

  • Prepare the housing with cutout exactly to the specifications provided.To install an Art vapor fireplace, 你需要建造一個住房 (a surface that will support the fireplace.10mm wider than the burmer.
  • 在壁爐下方留洞或縫隙供進氣口使用.人們可能會在許多裝飾不同的地方使用蒸氣火,for traditional fireplace designs with/without logs or for modern designs with/without glasses around,針對不同的設計,我們應該確保壁爐下方是否有足夠的進氣口讓蒸汽向上流動.


A standard Volt electrical outlet is required. (最好位於外殼內). 該系統配備 100/240V (50-60 赫茲) – 24V UL 認證電源適配器 (轉換器).

不同於其他蒸氣滅火系統,An Art Fire vapor fire works with a low voltage system,所以它更安全.



如你看到的, 建造自己的水蒸氣壁爐並不難. 當然, 你會花更多的時間來安裝一切.

所以, 最後真的值得嗎? 出色地, 這一切都取決於你的製作技巧和預算.


水蒸氣人造壁爐是很酷的小玩意,一定會招待您的客人! 您現在還可以通過解釋這些假壁爐背後的科學來打動他們! 我希望你喜歡這篇評論. 如果您想了解更多關於藝術水汽火的功能和指南,請隨時聯繫我們.

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