
The Benefits of water vapour fireplace:
The newest technology manages to create an extremely realistic flame look without the presence of a real fire. Flame imitation is so realistic, you’ll be surprised to learn you can actually touch this “fire.”
Realistic cool-to-the-touch flame is created by energy-efficient LED lights and water vapor. These cold mist artificial fire fireplaces run on electricity and regular tap water. All you need to do is plug them into a standard household outlet (or hardwire), add water (or connect to a water line) to the tank and enjoy!

呢啲人造火災使用超聲波噴霧器產生冷霧. 造霧器糢塊由一個以超聲波頻率振動嘅陶瓷盘組成. 呢啲振動會產生水滴,反射LED產生嘅光. 結果, 佢哋創造咗一個令人難以置信嘅逼真嘅人造火焰幻覺. 係一種人工火災嘅新技術,僅使用水,因此係完全安全嘅。, 唔產生一氧化碳,係傳統燃木壁爐嘅綠色替代品。 答案係肯定嘅, you can't use a water vapor fireplace for heating. 但從積極嘅一面來看,你可以成個夏天使用它。!

Water mist fireplaces can also be used as a humidifier to keep the space suitable for skin and breath.And with multipled functions,如多種顏色,音樂播放器,彩色音樂混合功能等.

Fun Facts about Water Vapor Fireplaces.
2.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't produce any harmful emissions keeping your air clean.
3.這 "火焰" 嘅水蒸氣壁爐觸感涼爽,對孩子來說好安全, 寵物, 並安裝喺擠逼嘅商業空間中.
4.Water Vapor Fireplace has a huge number of installation options because it doesn't need venting or clearances and the 3D flame can be open on from sides.
5.Water Vapor Fireplace doesn't cost much to operate. 它喺自來水上運行,LED燈消耗好少嘅電力.
水蒸氣壁爐仲有好多其他好處,例如其低能耗和環保性,但底線係: 水蒸氣壁爐具有令人眼花繚亂的火焰真實感,可與氣體相媲美, 具有電氣嘅安全性同簡單性.

無通風水蒸氣火災AFW 80

發佈時間: 2021-12-08